[OPEN][REL] Recycler

What about the equation that calculates average item level on the character sheet? It uses item level. Or is that equation hidden from modders?

No, it’s as I said, it can’t be used in the equations. The only equation that works in that field afaik is playerLevel. I tried itemLevel a few times already, and I just spent some time looking through the templates to see if I can figure out what equations can be used, still not sure.

There’s something i didn’t understand.

How can you trade a specific item you don’t need ? Because so far, it seems to randomly pick an item from inventory or shared stash even, possibly deleting a good one i want to keep.

I’ve tried to manually drag a legendary to the crafting box, but can’t.

Am i missing something ?

Seems like this might have been a flop of a project. :confused:

No, I’m pretty sure you aren’t. That’s just how crafting works in this game.