Opening on wrong monitor and no issue is fixing it

Monitor is opening on the wrong screen

Last night and the other nights it was working finely.

Its opening on the wrong screen. Ive changed my “window position” and “Device” in my settings.txt, I have tried alt + entering, dragging it over and alt + entering again, restarting the computer, ive uninstalled and reinstalled. Ive verified file integrity. Nothing is working and im getting so upset cause im having a blast with the game. Please help.

Edit, i also keep seeing people say theres an option inside the game to switch screens in the video options on other posts that are having my problem, and that option isnt in my game for some reason. I can sometimes get it to launch on my main screen but it will just black screen and minimize. Windows + shift + arrow keys doesnt work either.

have you tried verifying game files, and use repair tool in the game install folder?
can you change other settings/options at all? do they “stick” when you make the changes and restart?

isnt’ that just the render device selection/drop down or something and not a separate “multi monitor” option ? :thinking: (legit don’t remember)

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