Opinion and recommendations in regards to a retaliation + pets build via Death Knight

Hey, guys, I would like to hear your opinion in regards to a pet + retaliation build. Also seeking advice on how to improve the build. I would also be alright with you guys providing alternate builds. Hopefully, you guys can be understanding thanks!


Thank you.

I hate to be that guy but I’m gonna recommend that you don’t do player Retaliation + pet-scaled pets. Both of those want vastly different stats.

In both of the links you posted, your pets will do effectively no damage and will struggle to survive in Ultimate. Pets need dedicated support to really shine - gear, devotions, skills, they’re generally an “all-or-nothing” deal. Trying to make room for them will cut into your Retaliation and leave you with a character that doesn’t do either well compared to characters that fully specialise in one or the other.


I see. Thanks, I’ll take note of that. :smiley: