Order of Death Vigil/Kymon Chosen MI

Hi there! Is there a way to find/buy Order of Death Vigil Monster Infrequents while siding with them? (alternatively Kymon’s Chosen). I find it tedious to have to make a toon that has the opposite alignment so that I can farm these MI…

depends on the MI
kymon medal, vigil amulet you can buy from Benevald
Bravna/Death hood, malkadar/barthollem weapon you can rng obtain in crucible or SR, but it’s way simpler to have 1 char friendly/hostile with each to target farm because (significantly) easier/higher drop chance
Nemesis MIs drop like candy in SR/Crucible, but technically also easier to direct farm

Thanks for the answer! Is there a place that references which merchant sells which MI? I haven’t found this info in GrimTools :wink:

Strannik has you covered :+1:

update note, since i dont’ think any of the guides factored that in yet
Boss MIs got removed from merchants in last patch, so no Bargoll stick from Vinelton, no Pulsing Shard from Agarrad, no Bloodsworn ring from Karros

Awesome, thanks!