Outcast’s Secret

Crate gather anonymous data if you enable it on settings. You can’t gather data by just asking a few people.

And with this you wanna say?

Only they have the data, all we can do is speculation on individual basis.

all the data about what? And why is it relevant to drop chances?

I am pretty sure not all data are transfered to crate, like I can guartee that they have no idea that I just changed augments in one of my rings :stuck_out_tongue: They would have to have servers and data storages larger than NASA. And if they had such capacisty, I am sure we would not have to do multiplayer peer-2-peer :wink:

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I ran some simulations and they confirmed your intuition. I basically chose 6000 numbers from 0 - 599 multiple times and usually I got all the numbers. Once in a few cases one number (legendary) was missing.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int c[600]; //how many time a legendary dropped
int main() 
    for (int i=0; i<6000; i++)
        c[rand() % 600]++; // a drop
    for (int i=0; i<600; i++)
        if (!c[i]) // which legendary didn't drop at all
            cout << i << endl;
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The only secret to the RNG based on your character is how your character name determines your starting weapon. :wink:


Interesting, thanks. So I’m that unlucky then.

but some legendaries have higher chance than others, like M priordial greaves vs most mythical amulets.

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Yes, this was assuming equal drop chances. I don’t know the real ones and how much they differ.

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I too assumed drop chances for non-MI legendaries were the same for all items. I receive Diablo 2 vibes from those drops now. Like, some items can be dropped only from certain level boss with 0.000013% chance. Never got that Griffon’s Eye…

Easy drop, have several of them in PlugY :slight_smile:

It is? Dropcalc shows 0.0057027% dropchance from Baal on p8 and 200% mf. You must’ve been very lucky!

Try p1 pindle with zerkerbarb 700%my and 55% find item :smiley: Lucky… depends on how many runs you do and i did a lot.

Not sure how many I did, but I guess quite a lot over the years. Best I got from him was Vex rune I think. RNGesus hates me, so I’ll have to make do without him… =)

Titan Quest also has very rare drops if I understand the tables correctly https://www.tq-db.net/en

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Oh yes. As well as broken OP items like Gauntlets of the Necrolord. Dayum!


I´ve been farming Anasteria to get the purple hood and no luck. I got like 15 blue hoods though.

Everytime I start a gaming session since Fort Ikon, I give it a try. And after finishing the main campaign, both expansions, after reaching SR 75, fight the Mogdrogen and the Ravager (I needed more than 20 attempts and gear tweaking before I managed to beat this asshole), be beaten by Crate and Calla, and some extra runs for the sake of it; still nothing.

There is no way real drop percentage is 6% taking into account this is a recurring problem. It is bugged right? Right?

I´m playing the version of the game.

Usually making a forum post like you’ve already done helps. If you farm a bit more the helmet should drop now.


Hey! Don´t spoil it!

Oh my! I forgot.

So, I updated the game to the version, and in the third try…

Good luck rivandell61. :wink:

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