Outcast’s Secret

Hello. I’m trying to knock the Outcast’s Secret out of Anasteria(108 level,Absolute, Fort Ikon Prison). Tried it about 400 times already. I already have 50 blue Outcast’s Hoods in my inventory. Purple DOESN’T LET OUT. Is this how it should be? Or was the drop removed not only from the Crucible and the Shattered Realm, but also from Anasteria herself? Please clarify!
( Grim Dawn Wiki:
Notable Drops

  • (Epic Helm): 3-5% Chance
  • (Legendary Helm): 15% Chance on Nemesis)

These are correct chances https://www.grimtools.com/monsterdb/262/items
9% vs 6%

But since you’ve got so many blues something is wrong most probably.
Do you play on Epic?

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Does she need to be Nemesis with you in order to drop the Legendary helm…? If so: Is she?

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You have to kill her atleast 25-30 times till you get nemesis with her already, so the farm begins after that point.

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I’ve killed her about 400 times already. I play gog. I don’t want to draw in the GDStash.

Seems like a bug you should report in the Bug section.

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Then there are two options; either you’re having a bug about drop chance of that particular item or you’re the least luckiest person alive.


Unlucky is almost impossible I guess. Let’s calculate this.
He says 400 runs which I believe because then you’d have 400 * 9% Blues = 36 and he has even 50.

To not have Purple in 400 runs has
0.00000000178% probability https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=0.94^400

or in other words about 1 in 50 billion chance. I think we can count that out :wink:
Or at least :zantai: should have a loot at it @Zantai


did you do all runs yesterday Friday 13th?


Since we are talking terrible RNG here, I have something that bugs me. Recently I did a “cleaning” of my mules (yes, I don’t use 3rd party tools) - meaning I took surplus copies of legendaries and dismantled them. By my rough estimates I had something like 6k of them. Out of ALL those legendaries I have not a single one Allagast chest, Will of the Blade, Shard of Eternal Flame (and maybe some others). What are the odds? Considering I had like dozens of some other items. Epic-wise, haven’t seen any M. Flame Keeper’s chest either.

Can someone confirm seeing at least one of the items drop in recent months?

Edit: also M. Stormreaver, M. Temporal Arcblade, M. Cord of Violent Decay.

Since there thousands of legendaries I think it’s actually seems quite probable to me that you don’t have some of them.

I have all of those except M flame keepers jacket (I do not even save epic items save for those I know I will use) so no idea if it has dropped or not.

M Flamekeepers jacket is blue print though, so no idea if item itself can drop or not.

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When I knocked the Decree of Aldritch, I got 5 Scepters of Aldritch and on the 37th the Decree itself fell. This is a normal probability. So it’s not my bad luck. Could Zantai RANDOMLY removed the Secret from Anasteria’s drop in this patch? He removed the Secret from the Crucible and Shattered Realm? Maybe Anasteria herself was hooked?

Hm, well. I counted the amount of 84+ legendaries in game and came up with number 690 (this includes MIs and only craftable items, so without them it’s ~600 I think). The bigger the number, the more the likelihood of amount of items being evenly distributed. 6k sounds like a rather big number to me, so roughly I should have 10 of each lvl 84+ leg, but that’s not the case. I had like 40 pairs of M. Boots of Primordial Rage, and yet not a single Allagast chest piece? I know it’s also craftable, but so is Avenger’s chest, which I also possess only two (but at least I know it drops).

Feels like an awfully bad case of terrible RNG.

The final nerf, remove items from the game!

I got drops item that can only be crafted with blueprint time to time. @XandeRoot And I have all, and I don’t think there is an item I have never seen in 1600+ hours except one-two magi rings and I never truly farm them so nothing weird there. But imo(some will argue about it) the true way of farming is farming with a lot different characters and farming while leveling. If you’re farming SR/totems/Nemesis etc only with one character you may not get everything. Having a lot of characters and farming all of them provides more chance to having all possible drops.

that makes no sense if they only can be crafted … :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does the character you are playing have anything to do with drop chances?

One thing that does matter for farming is long sessions because of the re-roll mechanic.

I can be congratulated. Finally dropped out. Just! Thanks everyone.


Complaining always helps :wink:


As does prayer