Overcap resist mechanics

Sorry if this was asked/answered before. I did a search but couldn’t come up with anything recent/extensive.

I am wondering if overcapping resists is needed, worth it, or even usefull. Has anybody done any testing?
Do the enemies lower it by a flat amount, by a percentage, or to a specific number? Wich enemies lower wich resist?
So basicly wich resist would I need to overcap by how much. Is there a list of encounters?

Any input would be appreciated!

A little context. I’m currently playing a blademaster and doing Crucible with a friend. Since he’s ranged i’m doing the tanking. At the moment I have maxed resists and I can get about 17K health unbuffed. Plenty of ADCTH. If i would need to overcap all resists I would need to drop health/damage considerably. Not really dying a lot right now, but I want to be ready for the new crucibles waves coming out next patch.

In case anybody wants a point of reference this is the file: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2MMoxr2

For crucible it could be needed to survive better. i know that certain bosses can drop your resistance by a %.

Only ones I know of are Valdaran dropping your Lightning resistance and Anasteria dropping your Aether resistance I believe. Shar’Zul might have something too but I can’t remember.

Several enemies reduce your resists by a flat amount. Don’t know if it was changed but last time i check, Fabius’s Execution lowered your resist by a flat 40. Grava, Kuba, Reaper (i think), Benn’Jhar (his chaos wave now reduces resists) and Alex all reduce your resists by a flat amount. Mad Queen reduces your resists by a flat amount, between 26% to 54% (yeah, it’s random which it gets).

So yes, overcapped resists helps quite a lot against a majority of Nemeses.

You don’t need to overcap all types but what you do need to know is which monsters have RR to the types you’re not overcapped on so you can react to their increased damage.
Overcapping Fire and Aether are always safe choices though.

Would be great to know how much overcap per each individual resist you should have to feel safe in any situation. Hate switching gear…
List of enemies with rr, with values, would be ideal.
Has anyone bothered with such an analysis already?

I know I’ve been hit by curse of frailty by something. That can hurt if you get out of the way when it happens.

Grimtools is working on a mob wiki thing, i’m hoping they will have data for stuff like this.

overcapped is extremely helpful, depending on the scenario- for example that ice ghost that asks you to dynamite the cave wall (then you go in and have to fight him) when attacking my Winter King character who had at the time 80+139 cold resist w overcap, he literally couldn’t do any damage, my natural hp regen was basically enough to heal it :stuck_out_tongue:

Anesteria/Sharzul are particularly nasty ones that have debuffing skills

So i checked out the monster skills on grim tools myself.
It seems most bosses that reduce resist reduce all of them by approx 30. It’s not unthinkable to overcap everything by 30 with the AOM gear.
There are some cases where they do it by 50, or where certain effects stack, but i’m not sure if gearing for that is very efficient. Ofc this depends on your class/gear, for some its easier to overcap certain resists.

Absolutely worth it against enemies that are capable to reduce your resistances (and in Crucible and AoM content, there’re TONS of them). When your resistance gets reduced from 80-85 to something like 50, you actually take 2.5x-3.3x MORE DAMAGE. It’s insane difference!
Even now, if your resists arent overcapped properly in Crucible, you WILL suffer a lot. I hadnt overcapped only Chaos resistance, and was obliterated by Sharzul/Bloodlord Thalonis in 149 wave. Got +25 chaos resist - and suddenly, no problems at all!

However, some enemies have so powerful resistance reductions that it’s almost impossible to overcap resistances against them. Anasteria is the most notable example. Her resistance reductions are INSANE, that’s why your best tactic to fight er is killing all other enemies as fast as you can - they will deal INSANE damage to you with her resistance reductions!
It doesnt mean you shouldnt overcap resistance - your overcaps still count and you’ll take reduced damage even VS Anasteria. It just wont give you 2-3 times “less damage taken” as it would against most enemies.

30-40. i believe 40 is maximum enemies can have as “flat” resistance reduction. More resistance will make you better protected VS “percentage” resistance reduction (like Anasteria), but it’s quite rare and much harder to counter.