Pathfinder: Kingmaker review

They also made an updated version of Red Faction Guerilla a few months back, I think they bought the rights for that franchise as well. Another game in my steam library that they bought and updated is Nexus the Jupiter Incident which is also years old. I mean, great for me and everyone who owns those games since the updates are free for all previous owners, but I have to wonder about the financial motivation behind it. Looks like a labor of love on their part but those tend to be money losers. Anyway, end derail :cool:

Best party setup for current “balance”
3 Barbs with two-handed weapons. 1 bard, 1 mage, 1 cleric. :smiley:

Probably something I will try at some point, but waiting until the game is a lot more playable. Oh yes, 1.06 has introduced a new bug, (no surprise) in the first version of the game, and later version up to this patch, storage boxes would strip magical enhancements from weapons and armour, converting them back to base values. Well, they fixed that bug, but introduced a new one. now those items would grow in strength,(as they reverted the change, adding the lost enhancements) or weapons will grow in power, just save and reload!!! instant gamebreaker!!! so you can have a weapon doing 2d6+39 damage

You have to laugh, and clearly shows they don’t test their patches to any degree, otherwise, that should have been easy picked up.

So another patch will land on Monday it seems.

I will give them credit for trying, but seriously, they just making the game even more messy. And while there is a post on steam concerning the difficulty, and that more options will be added, But it seems they still don’t fully understand the issue with why people are struggling. because the devs aren’t using base PnP values for monsters.

Big patch that they have planned is on the 22th of October. no idea what thatr will fix.

I just stopped playing the game. can’t refund, so I’m stuck it with it. But seriously, the devs are inept, and they clearly don’t understand the PF rules at all. Which just begs the question, why did they even attempt this in the first place if they weren’t going to use the core rules as a baseline?

So right, now, I really would not play the game in this state, and wait for the major patch, and fingers crossed that doesn’t break more then it fixes.

Amusing thing to me is that Pillars of Eternity had a very similar bug, every reload would grant bonuses on items an additional time, so gradually the game would get easier and easier and you might not even realize why at first.
And there was some other bug where double clicking an item to equip it (opposed to dragging and dropping the item’s icon) would permanently remove core stats.

The lack of QC in software companies is staggering sometimes.

This just gets better and better, another patch, another break, the devs just pushed out another patch, 2.9gig, but now it seems the devs screwed up the sound, as they messed up the windows files.

bloody hell, this is just getting so bloody silly, and why aren’t they not using the beta branch? seriously, what stupid devs this game has.

They probably don’t get enough sleep. Panic, haste and sleep depravation lead to a lot of stupid mistakes.
The best course of action right now is to take a break for like one weak, then clean the mess.

They released a 5.4gig patch a few days ago, now they released another big patch, 5.6gig. while I give them credit for trying to fix the game, but seriously, they just not got it into their heads to use the beta branch. I suspect the 5.6gig patch is a hotfix for the 5.4gig one, which was a hotfix for the 3gig something patch, which was a hotfix for another smaller patch.

This isn’t even funny anymore.

All these patches, and hotfixes, and constant patching shows how sloppy their work is. and sadly, how broken the game is.

If this is their new size for hotfixes, I really shudder on how big their suppose main patch will be on the 22 of October. I suspect it will be the full game at this rate, and probably needs even larger patches to fix the broken mess that the first main patch makes.

At this stage, I just stopped allowing the game to be patched, I don’t have the luxury of unlimited bandwidth.

But these patches are just not funny, not when each and every one has broken something else.

I guess I might end up uninstalling it, as I not really played it that much, (but past the 2 hour mark) this has been one bad game.


Got a feeling that the patching system is botched up.

I did partially download the 5.4gig patch, but then paused it. I then tested to see what size the new patch was, as it seems it should only have been 290MB, so I resumed the download, instead of downloading 5.6gig, I only downloaded 290MB, and didn’t need to download the lest?

Which then begs the question, (and I verified the game files and nothing more to download) so what happened to the other 5gig I was downloading?

Either the patches have been inflated by accident, or there is a serious problem with the way the game is getting patched. which also might explain why some bugs that the devs are reported as fixed aren’t. all in all, the patches seem very screwy. I won’t be downloading any more patches until the big patch, even then I will wait. I still suspect that the devs have messed up somewhere.

They just hit another all time low

Flintrock Grassland Problems in Hotfix 1.0.8b
Dear Pathfinders!

We have found out that as of 1.0.8b, there is a problem with the Flintrock Grassland area. The quests taking place there have become corrupted, with events starting and finishing randomly and at wrong times. We would like to ask you to refrain from going there until later this day – in the evening, we are planning to roll out an update that fixes this. We are very sorry for the inconvenience!

In the weekend, we will also start work on a way to convert save files of those players who have already visited the Flintrock Grassland and encountered these problems. This is a difficult task, because the quest has a complicated structure and there are literally dozens of conditions and varying states to take into account. Still, we will analyze every save file we currently have and try to get them to work right. We will also keep an eye out for rarer, more arcane cases as well.

I am having major doubts they will be able to improves things, every patch that they release just seems to end up breaking. This dev team just just fire themselves and call it off, as they clearly haven’t a clue what they are doing anymore.

just not funny anymore, just not.

I had some doubts on this one and i’m glad i didn’t spend money on it.

Heh that seems nuts.
Even if they can fix that new issue, I doubt they have the ability to fix existing saves that are already messed up, judging from the quality of their work so far.

It surprised me that this game has 70% positive reviews on Steam seeing how severe these issues appear to be, do people just not notice them?
Someone I know is playing this and he says it’s not so bad except for the load times.
But yeah, this is no way to work, total disrespect for your customers and your own pride as a company.

I think the problem is, this is a pathfinder game, and such has a lot of fanboys that refuse to see the real issues. Also quite a few of the reviews will be before all the patches came out, if you check the steam graph, it does tell an interesting story. But these issues are just making things worse, while those that are still real fans of the game don’t know to acknowledge there are any bugs, even with clearl hard evidence thrown at them.

But saying that, the game does have some serious issues, with the kingdom management, to gamebreaking bugs in chapter 4 and 5 plus. to feats not correctly working. Also wizard scrolls are few and far between, so no point rolling a wizard, certain weapons seem few and far between.

The game is just half baked, they have a large world, but not much on content, when most of the later acts is just about the kingdom management and dealing with the pressing issues. Even that seems to be a roll of a dice, and if you set it to auto, your kingdom can still fail. and like I already mentioned, the damn timers in the game really don’t help.

I think those that still race on about the game been good, clearly are either blind to the facts, or simply want to believe, as they are scared that no other PF game will be made. But this game is just so hollow, once you peel back the surface, you can easy see the innards been stuffed with cotton rags, and second hand oil to make it run smoothly, (at least for a few KM, then it all breaks down) (sort of a reference to Matilda’s dad who did that with second hand cars and got away with it for a while, until his past started to catch up with him)

Anyway, I lost faith in this company, they clearly aren’t very good coders, they clearly are rushing patches, and they are making a real mess everytime they release a new patch.

I seriously doubt even 6 months will be enough for this game, I suspect it will be just as broken then as it is now.


devs are censoring the forum, one thread about someone saying that the game should be removed from steam, nothing wrong with the posts, but a short bit later, deleted thread. The devs don’t want to admit that the game is bad. Fanboys aren’t helping the matter. I know this does happen in a few forums too. but this kind of censorship is sending out the wrong signals, and making it look bad for the devs. This will only bite them on their behinds. As if things aren’t bad enough.

Its not so bad, rly. Outside of early game save-load retardness and long load time the game is quite fun =) I love writing and chars.

Woopsie, new “hotfix” ruined my game at act 3. Kira dropped the game at act 5 due to Amiri immortality - girl`s hp bar is fixed at 17 HP and don’t move at all.
I have stronk SotS 2 vibes from this game.