PayPal - Not our pals =/

I’ll be trying to stay away from paypal, thats messed up!

So, eh, quick question here.

Not that I’m saying ‘you should know this, answer me grarg’ but this paypal shenanigans only extends to the preordering, yeah?

Like, once it’s out on Steam it’ll be fine since the payment goes through Steam as well? I mean, I don’t know how they handle their payments, but you know.

I’d hate for Paypal’s arsing around to get in the way of my fun.

That’s limited to CC payment (at least for KS purposes) - that’s the same as it has been for over two years. Also:

It’s Steam’s business, which payment options they can offer to you. Once the game has been released and there is an actual product for sale, Crate might be able to offer additional payment options to those who want to buy from them directly. :slight_smile:

hate them too.

oh man, i was about to pre-purchase and really wanted to use paypal instead of cc… mmm that sucks… make me think twice about paypal over all as well!

I’m using PaySafeCard, but this is not supported for pre-purchase too… So what can we do? Wait for release (:

Could also find one of those game card or one time credit cards that works for one of the supported payment options.

I can’t really add anything helpful here other than expressing my sympathy.
Paypal froze my company account for weeks while effectively doing nothing at all while I had provided all the required legal documentation said weeks ago.

I’m only looking for payment alternatives for western Europe and it’s actually easier than in North America because on that side of the pond, CC and Paypal are pretty much the only players.

Have you tried setting up Amazon Payments? I just bought Indie Bundle V and it had Paypal, Amazon Payments and Google Checkout. I trust amazon and use it to get most of my stuff.

Also it’s “a couple >OF< companies” not just “a couple companies” that’s wrong and reads badly.

A suggestion.

Get another small company that already trades RPG materials and uses paypal to handle the pre-orders/donations. That way you get to use paypal without needing your own paypal account. You’d obviously need someone that understands the situation but there are many small RPG businesses around, though Im sure theyd charge you commission.

You’d have to change the offering to ship something though to make sure it didn’t happen again. I suggest you mail contributors a token that says ‘i contributed’ on it :slight_smile:


I once had money stolen from me on paypal by an IOS developer who randomly robbed accounts and used the money to buy up copies of his own game. People don’t seem to believe it. On ebay, you can’t even give stuff away if you say you don’t trust paypal.

In truth, Paypal is one of the biggest trolls out there. They sell security, but the protection they offer actually makes you more vulnerable than you would be without it. The way they operate, I can’t believe they are even able to stay in business. I guess a fool and his/her money = easily parted.

Yeah I cancelled my Paypal account last year. I had a few problems with them withdrawing too much cash from my bank account and then waiting 2-3 weeks to return it. I filed a complaint with the BBB and then cancelled my account after that. They are just too unpredictable…and I don’t need “unpredictable” having access to my account.

I had a similar run in with Paypal, and I’m convinced they are actually criminals. If you did use them, I wouldn’t be able to purchase your game because I refuse to have anything to do with them again.

So good job :slight_smile:

P.S. wwwdotpaypalsucksdotcom
My story is there, as well as thousands of others. It’s a Grim read (see what I did there).

PayPal sure is undermining their own system, we customers use paypal to buy with it, but if PayPal keeps freezing “shops” what for is PayPal even good then. Good thing that at least you found a way to directly get money from VISA credit card, it’s better than PayPal because PayPal charges from my VISA when I use PayPal to buy stuff and I need to logon. Glad that you didn’t use MoneyBookers hate that thing.

I was watching this presentation by the Zomboid devs and was reminded of this thread. They apparently had a similar experience as Crate where funds got frozen and PayPal being uncooperative with the whole preorder thing. Their workaround was apparently to make some really crappy games to “sell”, and you received the proper game for “free” down the road.

The paypal debacle is just a small footnote at around 15-16 minutes in, but I found the video interesting in general.

Paypal - the worlds best money launderers. I refuse to use paypal for the same reason you are not supporting them. Randomly freezing accounts so that they can incur interest on the funds that have yet to be transferred into anyone’s accounts except theirs. I am a mobile software developer for a rather large mobile development company in california, and one of our recent clients is a new card processing service (similar to paypal yet 100x better). People are finally seeing that paypal is really shitty and there are other options out there for sure. I’m sure by alpha you guys will have something set up properly but why not thinking of hosting your own processing service. With the amount of purchases Grim Dawn is going to get someone will very much want to work with you to allow you to process payments directly on site “resold processing” through them but directly through you if that makes sense?

Yeah and PayPal never gave me my refund on my money when I refunded my games that I brought.

Recently I started having problems with Pay-Pal…

I have an Ebay account for which I buy things, but I am forced to have a Pay-Pal account.
Well, Pay-Pal has frozen my E-Bay account for various reasons…

First they claimed I had a negative balance.
What happened was that I closed my bank account that they had on file, but mistakenly used the account instead of my credit-card (my mistake)…but they showed that I had a negative balance.
So I pay for the amount I owed using my card…this was on Friday (afternoon).
And noting happens.
So I contact them & they tell me that I need to wait 24 to 48 hours.
So I wait.

The next day I check & it still shows that I have a negative balance.
So I call to complain, and they try to tell me that I didn’t pay…that my card was denied.
I checked my card and it clearly shows that the money was taken out the day before.
So I call back, and again they try to tell me that my card was rejected.
“F’n CROOKS !”

After much arguments they transfer me over to someone else, who says that yes it shows I paid, but that I need to wait another day.
So Sunday comes and it still shows that I have a negative balance.
I call to complain and again they try telling me that my card was rejected…This getting real old & real annoying.
So they transfer me again to someone else, who tells me that I need to wait til Monday.

So now its Monday, and it still shows that I have a negative balance, and when I call they still try to claim that the card was rejected.
I argue and they transfer me to someone else, who tells me that I need to wait 3 business days (Weds)…seriously, WTF ?!

In the meantime, I have items that I bided on & won, but can’t pay for because Pay-Pal is holding my account HOSTAGE.

I can understand having to wait for 3 business days for the payment to clear in their account, that’s standard. But they should also know that & have told you that in the first instance, rather than having to be transferred through several people.

Unfortunately customer service incompetence is rather common…

nice post keet it up…:stuck_out_tongue: