Pet build wish for 1.2.1

I love the direction and intent of the recent pet changes. In 1.2.0, my Lost Souls Cabalist with its horde of skeletons feels pretty good, but other pet builds not so much. I have a Conjurer that I never play because I have too many buttons to fit on my hotbar. I’m hopeful that 1.2.1 will fix that.

But also, it feels like only Briarthorn-centric Conjurer builds are well-supported. My first character was a Deceiver who focused on Summon Familiar. That was back in AoM, when the Mythical Will of Bysmiel still had +1 summon limit. I was so happy when I got one of those to drop. My build back then probably wasn’t very good and I don’t know what the “meta” was. But now I do and I feel sad that using Bysmiel’s Trinkets set on my Conjurer feels like the wrong move. The familiar is still my favorite pet.

So my wish is simple: I want a double-bird build with Bysmiel’s Trinkets that’s as good as Beastcaller focused on Briarthorns. I’m not knowledgeable enough to have a good suggestion for how to achieve that, and I can’t test because I bought the game on GoG, not Steam, so I’ll just state my wish and hope!

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Did some more testing, and yeah, I’m not sure where Bysmiel is supposed to fit in. AoE feels great when birds use their lightning bolt but it doesn’t seem very consistent (or I only notice on crits). Pure elemental damage is always carrying an extra handicap that I don’t think is needed here. And then single target is a tier below the other pet sets, and you can’t easily add pets to bysmiel with it’s set pieces and lack of + class skills.

To be fair, it at least feels playable now with perma wind devils and skill turned into proc on the necklace, it just seems behind/birds are lacking identity. Giving them passthrough chance baseline on storm orb would be fun