Pet Conjurer - Moggy the Puppy!

Budget / Beginner friendly Pet Conjurer capable of doing gladiator Crucible upto Wave 150:

[li][Pet] [] (c-) (g1) The Lazy puppy - Beginner / Budget Pet Conjurer (Maya)[/li][list]
[li]Damage: Pets [/li]
[li]Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Call of the Beast[/li]
[li]Passive Skills: Bonds of Bysmiel, Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Ardor, Presence of Might (x2)[/li]
[li]WPS Skills: None[/li]

The Budget Puppy:
All items are craftable/faction/MI drops (without affixes)

Crucible 100-150, x2 using 4 Blessings + 4 Lvl-1 Stormcaller Beacons:
No Consumables used except for HP/Mana Potions. Start with 4 lvl-1 stormcaller beacons, buy blessings after completing wave 110.
Once you complete wave 150, get your reward and restart from checkpoint wave 130 and complete it once more.

Crucible 100-150, using 4 Blessings:
No Consumables used except for HP/Mana Potions. Buy blessings after completing wave 110. I can’t seem to actually win wave 150 without relying on banners :frowning:

Ancient Grove Dungeon Run + Kubacabra:
When you are minding your own business and suddenly, a Wild Kubacabra appears… Unfortunately, I was all out of pokeballs :frowning:

O) Devotion Setup
It is fairly flexible and you can take whatever route you like. But I’d suggest getting Shepherd’s Crook first for the easy powerup it provides. You can also take Raven and then head to Rhowan’s Crown right after, if you prefer. However, do note that the final build doesn’t use the Raven devotion.

O) Attribute Point Allocation
Put just enough in Cunning and Spirit to equip your items. The rest in Physique. If you want to make changes to it later, you can with a Tonic of Reshaping. It is a guaranteed reward from quests (2 on each difficulty) and is also available as a random drop from Nemesis monsters and sometimes in the Crucible. I’d however suggest not wasting the ones you get from the quests and saving atleast 1 or 2 of them for the future.

O) Skill Point Allocation
When leveling up, focus on the Occultist side first. Summon Familiar and Lightning Strike should be your priority.
Put a single point on Hellhound for the distraction it provides. You also want a point in Curse of Frailty early on to bind Shepherd’s Crook to.
After that, how you want to take it is entirely upto you.

Now, if you are still not sure what to do, this might be a relatively safe bet: >> CLICK ME <<

You might wonder why it looks so different from the Budget Build given above. The reason is simply because when leveling up, you will have to make do with whatever items you find. So you might have to do things differently until you get the necessary items. You can always visit the spirit guide to make changes to your skill points later, so feel free to experiment if you want to. Also, Primal Spirit can be mana intensive early on due to it being a temporary pet that you have to keep resummoning. But if you can sustain it, get points from Briarthorn and max Primal Spirit instead.

O) Item Choices While Leveling Up
This one is a bit tricky in that you will have to make do with the best you get. But in general, anything that improves pet stats is obviously good.
Another important thing is Resistances. Try to keep them near or above 80. Other than that, just equip the best you get.
Do note that things like Offensive Ability, LifeSteal, Block etc are useless for us (Pet OA and LifeSteal are different and useful).

Try to get your faction reputation up so that you can get the faction items from their respective vendors. Craftable items require you to find their blueprints first, but you might come across them from random vendors. Then it is just a matter of getting the materials necessary and crafting them at your favourite Blacksmith. The rest are MI or Monster Infrequents, basically loot drops from specific enemies. They could drop with certain affixes and if you get lucky, you could get a really good one. But the build isn’t reliant on specific affixes or any at all, so don’t worry too much about that.

Also keep an eye out for Components and Augments to put in your items. They can make quite alot of difference.

O) Faction Choices
Ally yourself with The Outcast (Anasteria) and with Barrowholm
You have very little reason to side against Anasteria and you don’t have much of a choice with Barrowholm if you want to make the best of pet builds.

Kymon’s Chosen vs Death’s Vigil is your choice.

O) Other Stuff
I can’t think of anything else right now, but if I do, I will update this.