Please help me fix the links in the Build Compendium for AoM

Conjurer DONE 27/27

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Crab of War - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48865

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Colourful Penguin - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48877

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48750

[Pet] [] (c-) (g1) The Lazy puppy - Beginner / Budget Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48126/4

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Lazy Godkilling Dodo - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 47846

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Chaotic Shrubbery - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48496

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) The Fluffy WarGod - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48434

[Pet] [] (c+) (g3) Moggy the Puppy - Pet Conjurer (Maya) 48126

[Pet] [] (c+)(g3)(vid) Familiar + Chaos Beastcaller’s Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46890

[Pet] [] (c+)(g3)(vid) Familiar + Lightning Beastcaller’s Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46890

[Pet] [] ©(g3)(vid) Lost Souls Double Hellhound Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46734

[Pet] [] (c+)(g3)(vid) Chaos Pets Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46547

[Pets] [] (c+)(g3) Familiar Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46380

[Pets] [] ©(g3) Nature’s Guardian Physical Pet Conjurer (Sigatrev) 46077

[Caster][] (g4) The Red Knight - A bleeding/Vit. Conjurer (Belzzzz) 46238

[Melee][] (vid)(c+) Primal Ultos - A supercharged PS >Conjurer< of Storms 150-170 Gladiator in 8:50 (Superfluff) 45764

[2h Hybrid][] (vid)(g4)(c+) A Shockingly Versatile Build - Conjuring a Sequel, Crucible 170 easy farm - Conjurer (mad_lee) 45893

[Melee][] (vid)(g3) Bleeding Savagery The Blood Knight Conjurer - The Unstoppable Bleeding Force - Bloody Knights Unleashed (Tz Tz) 45613/2

[Melee/Pet][] (g4)©(vid) Death on Dark Wings - Melee pet hybrid Conjurer (Snazzblaster) 45524

[][Pet] (hc)(c-)(g2)(l) AoM CDR Primal Spirit Conjurer (gregory_portman) 43311

[Vitality Melee] (g4) Vigar’s Disciple - Vitality based DW Savagery Conjurer (Chthon) 44420

[Vitality Caster] (g5) Vitality Storm - Vitality based Storm Totem Conjurer (Chthon) 44436

[Pets][] ©(g3)(l) Conjurer Pet Retaliation Build (thepowerofmediocrity) 41842

[Caster/Pet][] (vid)(g3)Lightning Obliteration Conjurer - Raven’s Healing - Briarthorn Physical Shield (TZ Tz) 42784/3

[Melee/Range/Caster][] (vid)(g3) Triple Mode Melee/Range/Caster DW Lightning Conjurer - Aeon of Lightning (TZ Tz) 39830/2

[Caster][] (vid)(g3) Fun and Unique Non Soldier Physical Build - A Little Bit Tanky Physical Caster Conjurer (TZ Tz) 43889

[Caster][] (c-)(l)(g4) Carmilla Bleed Vitality Conjurer (Beoron) 44249

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