Pet v1.2 Discussion

have you not unlocked ultimate difficulty, or have you not bought the expansion? Ravager of minds will be very difficult to beat with any builds that rely on face tanking.
Pet builds and dot builds are the best.
Yes pets can die, but i think pets are fine in this patch. Overall it got a bit easier to play. They do more damage overall. After all how many builds can have 32k HP 3,3 k DA, all resist capped, phys res 80%+14%,1k regeneration, -75%+RR, and 2 pets with 100k HP, 69% physical resist on briarthorn , 4k OA on pet and a low +800% damage.

Is my hubris vindicated yet?

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I’ve killed Superbosses(Particularly Ravager of Minds and Callagadra) on both pet builds(Lightning conjurer, aether vindicator) as well as DoT builds (Bleed Demonslayer Trickster, Poison DEE Witch hunter). While yes DoT also just runs around, the main difference is that Pets take a lot of the bosses aggro meaning a lot less of the attacks are targeted towards you the player which made it quite safer in my experience. DoT does have an advantage on Crate though.

I will say though Familiar still feels pretty squishy in my Lightning Conjurer build, my 26/26 Familiar feels as squishy as the 11/16 point Hellhound and much squishier than the 16/16 Briarthorn. Maybe some cooldown modifiers would help if not a general defense boost or some defensive modifiers. Familiar is currently the only pet without cooldown/defensive modifiers(all of its skill modifiers are for offense).

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Bound Wraith reduces the cooldown by -8 seconds.

Killed Ravager of Minds with this setup:

Roughly same times as before, around 2 minutes, needs constant resummoning of pets, but i don’t have a problem with that.

That was stupid of me, I meant Familiar not Primal Spirit.

I have the expansions but I don’t have a char there. I guess I could use GD Stash but that’s the point I made with shenanigans.

In response to changing skills Death Master,if Bonescavenger’s Deathgrips physical dealt as vitality to 100%, then what’s the point of Guardian of Death’s Gate existence ? If a summoner uses a pair of gloves to conversion are definitely much easier than using a two-handed weapon, and the sacrifice is less.Please friends to answer for me, thank you very much.

I think part of the problem with pet builds is that when they start to die the entire gameplay loop starts to fall apart. You don’t have complex options like you do with other builds, the punishment and the consequences are both significantly more out of the players hands. When a big attack wipes your pets because its difficult and clunky to move them and yourself to safety (or your skeletons got stuck on themselves in a puddle) it feels like you lost a numbers game, where when you play a melee character and mistime a dodge and get sundered you feel like you made a mistake or got outplayed (most of the time at least).

Pets are notoriously hard to balance but I think the playstyle is self-selecting enough that it should err on the side of being a little too powerful, especially as you can’t just add pets for flavour in GD even when they’re at their most powerful. Lots of people have very strong opinions either way on pets, some players only play pet builds and some refuse to play pet builds. I personally use Maya’s lazy builds when I’m too disabled by pain and/or fatigue to properly pilot a ‘normal’ build.

I think I’ll be using one of those facetank builds for my next disabled days build. They seem like they could be good on a controller.


Wow… I didnt expect the head designer to be such a narcissist. You actively accuse people of shit and get angry when they respond the same way and consider any kind of rightful criticism “derailment”. Yet your baseless accusations arent? The audacity of you. Certainly not sending DLC money to someone like this Lol, wish Steam could give me a full refund.

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Imagine having so little self-awareness to write something like that. Crate is not sleeping tonight because of you.
People who have been on this forum for more than 2 days (or even read this thread carefully from start to finish) know :zantai: has unusually high tolerance to bullshit which others would probably quickly ban for if they were mods.


All these fake accounts seem to me to be from… well, certain people who don’t like the patch.


Please hold while our associates install a Gamer Tears™ extractor into your skull, we promise it will hurt.


Oh fuck right the hell off, it’s a deliberate design decision to make pet builds more active and less easy mode. But yet, pets can still be strong even with the nerfs, just like retaliation builds are still strong despite all the nerfs. It’s just a case of building right to deal with the changes

Also I suspect you wouldn’t know narcissism if you actually encountered it, for you are yet another over entitled gamer brat to whom any criticism from a dev or a dev ignoring your bs = NARCISSISM!11!1!!!. Which I for one art totally fluffing sick of seeing.


Keep it civil folks.

Because the Bonescavenger glove got 100% conversion same as Death’s Gate axe, so that you just need 1 of them, not both on the same build to get 100%. The glove builds is easier of course, but the axe got much more than just the 100% conversion. It has HUGH flat RR (which lots of vitality builds rely on Bysmiel Bond devotion- which dont have 100% uptime), and especially -flat CDR for skeleton.
I found that Scavenger glove works perfectly with “sets build” (you can easily find vitality pet builds like Lost soul Cabalist or Bysmiel Conjurer in the forum with this glove), especially with Conjurer, you dont have to put in a Marrow Band ring for another conversion source, just Scavenger glove is enough.
Death Gate’s axe works with “non-set Skeleton builds”, so that you can stack -flat CDR for skeleton for Death Knight or Cabalist (with Sovereign amulet and Spectral Crown MI, you can get 2s CDR Skeleton), and you can use another pet glove to get more stats/ skills. After change the conversion to 100%, the glove got nerf pretty hard for pet stats (remove +all dam/ total speed/crit dam), so you can get much more options to fit in.

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Hi all First post…

Recently started playing the game again. Came here and saw the pet thread.

Crate… Please keep in mind that easier builds like pet builds make the game more accessible for people like myself. I have severe spinal damage.

I used to play path of exile till they nerfed pet builds into the ground. The nerfing always starts with cries of “pets are too strong” , “Its easy mode”, “nerf pets”, etc. I see that in this thread.

Most folks like myself are just asking for accessibility to the content. Thats it. We have a limited number of play options.

I am not far enough along on my current build to comment about where things are. I just hit crucible Glad 150 2 nights ago. The big issue I had is pets not keeping aggro. The same is happening in sr 65+ . Pretty great pants recipe dropped and it got better.

Maya and a few others here seem to be the experts on pets so im going to leave it to them…

Please don’t do a POE on the pet builds…


pets can still do all the content, if you give yourself some time you can see that there are many capable pet builds in this patch

Pets have been buffed overall. This whole thing was, as I said, an overreaction.


Drama sustains me

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