
Mod can be download at:

Mod Goals

There are two main goals for this mod.

The first is to create more variety for hardcore play. My strategy is to make it easier to avoid being one-shotted, while making it much

easier to get overwhelmed by creatures due to larger groups, faster attacks, and debuffs. Preparation, farming, and strategic decisions

will be much more important than fast reflexes and running around in circles constantly even when on full health when facing bosses.

The second is to create a loot system more like Diablo 2. More items, more sets, greater variety. Makes farming more rewarding (while

helping with the challenge of hardcore.


  • Level 60 Mastery Maximum
  • 3 Skill Points per level to level 60 (vs. 50 originally), 2 bonus points at level 10
  • Major increase in stash size to 24 by 18
  • Decreased utility of energy potions (I want spirit to be more important)
  • Idle time set to 4 seconds (I always felt this was way to low)
  • Potion stack size set to 999 (more room for other stuff)
  • Added D2 Runes (but no recipes using them yet), Gems as augments
  • Added skill bonuses to many of the original classes to help balance them with D3 classes.
  • Monsters are being upgraded, larger groups, faster attacks, more health, more debuffs. Bosses will have more skills.


  • New rank 9 skill called “Barbarian Lore”
  • Berzerker (Fighting Spirit 12), increase speed and duration
  • Hardened Spirit (Menhir’s Will 16), increase health and energy regeneraton by 30%
  • Hard Training (Military Conditioning 10), +500 health and +30% health regeneration


  • New rank 1 skill called “Gunslinger”
  • Advanced Technology (Blast Shield 12), +25% duration
  • Radioactive Decay (The Big One 12), adds poison damage
  • High Voltage (Stun Jacks 16), +25% radius
  • Cold Lightning (Full Spread 12), frostburn, 10% freeze chance


  • Hellfire (Doom Bolt 12), +100% radius, adds burning damage
  • Spirit Soothing (Storm Spirit 12), +30% energy regen
  • Fanaticism (Bond of Bysmiel 12) +100 life regen


  • New rank 9 skill called “Summon Shade”
  • New rank 9 skill called “Mistwalker”


  • Aether Ray has piercing now.
  • Negative Inertia (Mirror of Erectes 12), +30% move speed
  • Prismatic Sphere (Conversion 10), +10% elemental/aether resist, +5% max elemental/aether resist
  • Dark Thoughts (Arcane 10), +10% cast speed
  • Enlighten (Inner Focus 12), +30% energy regeneration
  • Firestorm (Inferno 12), +6 Radius
  • Apocalypse (Devastation 16) +2 meters, +.2 meter ember radius, +25% duration, +100% embers


  • No Changes Yet


  • No Changes Yet


  • No Changes Yet


  • Holy Day (condemn 16), +100% radius
  • Loyalty (Phalanx 16), +100% duration

Demon Hunter

  • Dark Cloud (Rain of Vengeance 12), +25% duration


  • Unchanged

D3 Necromancer

  • Name changed to “Priest/Priestess”
  • Bone/Ice/Blood Golems completely redone and are separate skills now.
  • Commander of the Risen dead is an exclusive skill now.
  • Toxic Tips (Bone Spikes 16), adds poison damage

Witch Doctor

  • Spirit Dust (Spirit Vessel 10), restore 20% energy
  • Chattering Teeth (Fire Bomb 12), adds 2-4 bombs
  • Peaceful Trip (Enjoy the View 10), +100 energy/sec


  • Armageddon (Meteor 12), +100% fall rate
  • Unrelenting Storm (Blizzard 12), 5% chance to freeze now


  • Designed to be a retro class in honor of the original D2


  • Loosely based on the TQ Dream class


  • This is meant to be a helper class when you really just want to focus on one mastery.
  • Wolf summons
  • About 80% done

So i don’t appear to be getting any noticeable effect from the mod. It shows up in the menu but only has the vanilla classes and seems to be just vanilla as far as i can tell.

EDIT: Ok i figured it out, this was the unbuilt mod. I built the mod and it works now. Your explanation made it sound like it was built so perhaps you uploaded the wrong files or something.

Looks promising, maybe we can finally get a Grimmest replacement?

Curious if you know about the previous game with the same name. I used to play it on the VAX at university, but it seems to still exist to this day (albeit in Java so not about to test it). But I know the command line version still exists in bsd-games on linux.

Seems that Jaime_Warlock uploaded the source, so either use the toolset to compile the mod or wait for him to upload a compiled version.

Yeah already done Jiaco. I just assumed the first time and commented right before i realized what had happened.

Looks promising though.

Oops, my mistake (how embarrassing). Compiled version is uploaded now.

Don’t bother trying to compile it yourself. I use a batch file which compiles the mesh files afterwards. Otherwise, custom meshes will be all be missing.

Can we get some printscreens of the runes please?
I loved the runes and Runeword system in Diablo 2 =)

Minor Update of some graphics and text. Fixed some recipes. I also include a .txt file now titled with the latest time of creation.

No, but I heard the Rovers keep up on that stuff. They collect a lot of artifacts and are highly knowledgeable of ancient runes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Teaser for new class selection interface. Also working on 3 new masteries. The hardest one, the Savant, is done. Mystic will be loosely based on the Dream mastery from TQ. The final, the Barbarian, will be a cross between D2 and D3. It has plenty of stuff for me to choose from and should be the quickest.