Phantasmal blades as lvling

No they don’t stack, but since the DOT with the highest crit multiplier will continue ticking, it is good to shotgun since then you have high chance of getting at least one crit (all projectiles has separate OA/DA check)

Seperate OA check - well THAT´s good to know, TY.
When it comes to procs: Are they also checked seperately?
Curse of crushed resolve: 10% chance -> 80% chance?

Yes, but the math does not work that way.

If you have 10% chance to trigger, and you have 8 blades. Total chance to trigger is 1- (1-0.1)^8 = 57% i.e. you want the “chance to be casted on at least one of those 8 blades”

Hm? Well, I meant when I shotgun all blades at once on one big target.

Yes but it will not be 80% chance if each blade has 10% chance to trigger something “on attack”

It’s like rolling a dice. Let’s say you get a candy when you roll 6 eyes. If you roll the dice 6 times, you are not guaranteed (6 * 1/6 = 100%) instead you chance of getting candy at least once is 1-(1-1/6)^6 = 66.5%

Darn, I´ve never had stochastics, so I keep struggling wrapping my head around those things.
I do NOT double my chances when I double the triggering elements? That feels so false…

Just think about it, if probabilities where additive, you could get 100% (and even higher) probability, just as with the dice…

Right… >100%… makes sense. Any way:
Concerning all this, I´m just puzzling what medal to take.
Undying oath does not do much damage. Consumption is … BiS?

In fact leveling with bleeding PB is very viable, so long as you skip the entire Arkovian Undercity section. I had the easiest time leveling that bleeding Trickster build with RoS & PB.

Damn, @Norzan was right, can’t believe I am saying this

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