Phys AAR vs Aether/Chaos+Vit AAR

Hello everyone!

I feel that the Aether/Chaos-Vitality AAR builds (i.e. Clairvoyant Spellbinder, Black Flame Warlock) are performancewise much behind the standard phys AAR build (“Behemoth” by grey maybe). Pretty much every mob in the game has lower Phys Resistance than both Vitality and Aether/Chaos, and often it is the case that a mob has high Vitality or Aether/Chaos Resistance, making 1/3 or even 2/3 of your AAR’s damage much worse than the damage of pure phys AAR (which has the same amount of RR, and also is triggered much easier than the Aether RR).

You can’t stack BOTH RRs of Aether/Chaos AND Vitality high enough to make your build as good as phys AAR (take for example Ravager with 131% Vit Res, completely negating your secondary damage, or Morgoneth with 50% Aether Res…).

I don’t think Phys AAR is op though. It seems to be ok-ish, though still far behind many other recent builds in terms of single target damage or even aoe.

What I understand from the game so far, is that the side damage sometimes helps with high resistance Aether/Chaos mobs, but again: Phys AAr doesn’t have this problem at all, though it isn’t even op.

nothing nothing nothing


Physical AAR is one of the most OP build in the entire game. You cant expect everything can reach its power. AAR aether and chaos version are all good, they clear every end game contents. Just not as fast and as safe as Physical AAR. You want to get buff anything- please make some more clear evidences rather than just your opinion

" they clear every end game contents. Just not as fast and as safe as Physical AAR."

  • so does a non-class fire bolt character.

Also you’re doing the same thing here: Claiming that Phys AAR is OP. It’s not.

Just look at some recent builds in the forum. I am starting to believe people want to get AAR nerfed to shit. Polls here showed that Arcanist was the least favored class of ALL classes. This makes me believe people want to get it nerfed simply because it makes their own class stronger in comparison. :slight_smile:

in top 10 there are 3 arcanist based classes.

The aim of the poll, i.e. the question, is not asked properly. It’s not quite clear what exactly is asked for, but it seems that topic is about what people feel is the strongest. Thus, people put stuff at the very top in order to increase chances of it getting nerfed.

then what poll(s) are you referring to?

I do not understand logic here. You said arcanist is least favorite, but according to the poll I showed arcanist is on top.

You think there is some conspiracy?

Zantai has said multiple times that he doesn’t take polls made by players in this forum into account because this forum is a small minority of players, meaning it’s not an accurate representation of what the overall playerbase actually feels.

He only nerfs stuff when there’s clear evidence that it’s overperforming, not because some people are saying it’s broken with no evidence.

I specifically said there that people can use any criteria they want, not just strength. Warlock specifically went into the top 10 because the respondents liked it.

Please show me that poll. I want more data for personal use.

Also this.

When will you put up a poll where we can vote for what the best poll was?

let me get it straight. I claimed that Physical AAR is OP because it can clear Crucible less than 4 minutes with buff and 7 minutes naked (without buff)/ can clear SR 95 without death (of course not every run, but it can with Mutator fished)/ can kill 2 types of Ravager in 9 minutes. All in recent patch (1.1.8 or 1.1.9). You can search for videos within the post of Grey and other players too.
And then your post came and you claimed that Physical AAR is NOT good. Without any evidences. Tell me pls how is that “the same thing”? or you need me to put in all the youtube links so that you can just click to see what is OP? well i can, but i dont have time for this.
And the logic behind “people put stuff at the very top in order for getting nerfed” is so freaking genius. Who could have thought that? LOL

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well, everything i see in this post is someone’s own opinion. Claiming things OP or not OP or not good, about some classes are least favored without ANY EVIDENCES at all. Enough for me in this post really. GG.

Doesn’t Chaos AAR Warlock do like 5 minutes Glad 170 and that’s after the transmuter got its total damage modified removed? So any buffs to it will just send it over the edge.

Also Zantai buffed it on 1.8 because he didn’t see the build that got posted and when people pointed it out he was like “oh shit gotta revert it next hotfix”.

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That was hilarious :rofl:.

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