What’s this?
Over the past day there has been some discussion in another thread about what the best classes in GD are and why Battlemage isn’t one of them and it quickly became apparent that people have different opinions and stuff like that. Since everyone has their own tierlists I had the idea of trying to collect what the community thinks what the best classes in GD are as of the current patch. You can use any criteria you want, which will be explained in the next section.
How do I submit my own tierlist? Are there rules of some kind?
1. List at least your TOP TEN from best class to 10th best class You can put more than 10 classes on your list or basically include all of them if you want. You can also lump classes outside the top 10 if you think they’re on the same tier. Like for example you can group together [Spellbinder, Conjurer, Sorcerer] as the three worst classes in any order. But it’s important that you list your top 10 individually since that portion will be pooled in a single table after the collection process has ended. ONLY REPLIES TO THIS THREAD WILL BE COUNTED AS SUBMISSIONS.
2. Put an explanation for each class in the top 10 The explanation can be as short as one phrase for each class or as long as an entire thread. This explanation can be based on anything from competitiveness to fun factor to personal bias. The only rule I want here is that NO TROLLING. It means you can put Saboteur on number 1 and no one could judge you on that as long as you don’t put something “I wanna see the rankings disrupted” as the reason. If you genuinely find sabo fun and that’s why it’s your number 1 it will be fine.
3. NO UNHEALTHY DISCUSSION OR JUDGING OF OTHER PEOPLE’S LIST ON THIS THREAD Had to put that on caps cause everyone loves drama a lot, including me. And even if someone bashes the guy who put sabo on number 1, I’ll still include their submission since everyone in here is part of the community and thus, their opinion should matter. As long as rules 1 and 2 are followed, that is.
4. 1 week after this is posted I will pool all the ranking lists in this thread and I will make another thread with the results. Maybe if enough people participate I can make the title “GD FORUM COMMUNITY CLASS RANKINGS” or something like that.
EXAMPLE RANKING LIST (I’m just putting random stuff here. This isn’t my actual personal ranking)
Pyromancer - I really love fire based classes and pyro just has the name and even the skills to do it. Sure it’s not as good as something like sorc but it’s my favorite class so number 1.
Spellbinder - I haven’t played this class a lot but when I always felt the strongest. Also I read grimsheet and it’s ranked 1 there. Can’t overtake my pyro tho.
Sorc - did I say I love fire? Imo this is objectively the best class for fire atm. Shieldbreakers are too squishy.
Dervish - I love DW in other games and here I think dervish suits me perfectly with righteous fervor and lots of support.
Warlord - this is the first class I played cause I heard it’s good and yeah I really liked it, but I think it’s too defensive. I heard retaliation is good tho.
Purifier - another one of my fire bias class. Not better than sorc tho and especially not pyro.
Shieldbreaker - FIRE. But too squishy for my tastes
Commando - I found the name cool so I tried it using the fire forcewave build. It’s not as powerful as my other fire builds but it’s cool swinging your club and spewing fire.
Templar - I love fire AAR and this is easily thebest class for it
Battlemage - I played this class once and I don’t really understand why people say it sucks. I guess I had my krieg set already ready at the time so I had it easier.
I’ll collect all the data 1 week from now. It’s currently January 22, 10:30 PM here in my time zone so we’ll have until January 29 on the same time