Phys S&B Shieldbreaker build suggestion

hi, there is a cool build from @banana peel that i tried to do, but for some reason mine is bit bad, i tried switching the gears, no luck, can you suggest anything ?

Better @ him correctly, for example @banana_peel or @:banana:.


When you try to replicate the results of existing build first of all you should take the core items. My build is based around maxing Smite and Shattering Smash dmg output through 1) +%wd gear 2) items with ranks to max %chance of WPS procs 3) high wd value, very important for phys 4) high %dmg, extremely important for phys. Long story short, you need core items, focus the same skills and take the same devotion map.


@Mertda Devotion procs - Maul and Ulzaad Decree - might be problematic to proc for you since you bound them to WPS so it’s 20% on top of 20% - 30% chance. Look how Banana did it. Ulzaad is 100% on Shieldbreaker cast and Maul is almost spammed while Vire’s Might - Volcanic Stride is burning (the chances are increased due to these skills having cooldown which is not reflected in Grim Tools).

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the man himself, excuse my noobish attempt trying your build, i understand now, and since i dont have the items i switched to vires might shieldbreaker but i also got it wrong, i miss a lot of items, so im thinking to switch yet again, thank you.