[Physical Caster] 2h-Forcewave Pure Physical Commando

I wonder if which one is better overall, fire/elem or physical?

I’d guess physical, in terms of survivability. Octavius set gives a ton of physical resistances, which helps tremendously.

I noticed a significant dps increase by using soiled pants illusion, very handy! :wink:

would love too, but time is the problem:cry:

hopefully you can showcase us the build one day.

btw credits to forumer Trigger for helping me with some of the gear :cool:

Undocumented game feature :smiley:

Great guide, awesome build, too bad I’m still so far away from having the right gear.

physical forcewave killspeed vs MadQueen ( [SPOILER]BF bound to fw just for this exercise )



I think I am getting back falcon cuz I already miss the cool bird proc! :cool:

Hey … I’m a new player and wanted to say thanks for this build contribution. It is my current build and it is a blast so far. Can’t wait to get the levels / gear.



Hi I am a new player and I really enjoy my solider build but it is a little limited. As such I want to change to either this build or the Pierce based Blademaster class. Which one would you folks recommend?

Hey Chthon, are you going to update this build since it got a small buff from the patch ?

Thanks for sharing this 2H commando btw, having a lot of fun with it

Played around with my physical forcewave battle mage setup once patch released. Fought against Fabius, Valdaran and Mad Queen. The build feels good and solid.


P.S: Hope will finally find Kubacabra before facing again with technical issue like hanging or black screen.

Did he post or anyone else in the thread, what devotions to get in order while lvling etc?

+1, i need some guidance as a newbie :C


This build

Well I’ll update this guide by Saturday. I’ll also address some newbie related stuff then.

I delayed the update even though it was ready because I wanted to present other build concepts as well but Edge of Sanity Forcewave failed miserably (it works but it’s a cheap gimmick) and Pierce Forcewave’s support is very bad. So I am going to only update this with whatever worked

Guide finally updated

Would IT be a good choice for my second HC char (the 2h weapon for this build dropped for me today) ??

HC is a monster I’ve never tackled before. Just to be on the safe side go with the Death Knight. You do need the belt for that (end game)

Ok, I wanted to go death knight just because I have one commando (SC) already do I wanted to try smth new :slight_smile:

of course with beronath ammy, change is sweet.

thanks for the update! :p;)

The amy you have is something I threw away way back when the expac was fairly new during crafting. I got three perfect rolled Conduits with the Fighting Form skill mod and I threw them away thinking they were useless.
I never got a good rolled one after that and I never keep anything with bad rolls.

Btw the DK might interest you, it has the bird proc :smiley:

imo the bird proc needs more damage but hey I totally changed my setup again to put it back cuz loving its sound effect! regarding playing more well actually I kinda regret for buying a bunch of Ubisuck games: As$creed Origins and a couple of farcry stuff along with Divinity Original Sin 2 that I barely got any time for Grim Yawn :(… but I am keeping track of many builds, especially the ones from you and theory crafting some and will get back someday,! :smiley: