Edit: Seems like this a clear winner after discussion! Still working out some specifics about the skills: Commando (Demolitionist): http://grimcalc.com/build/1008-rSDj9c
Original Post:
I’m getting to the point with my Forcewave soldier where I’m actually going to have to commit to a second class. This is only my second character ever, and I’ve never gotten past Elite because I messed up the stat points on my first character (level 60 homebrew stun jacks build with 100% spirit stat points) and decided to start over. I’m kind of scared of committing to my second class right now in fear of failing miserably in the late game. xD
Here are the two secondary classes and builds I have been considering:
They both have the same devotions, for the record.
From my perspective the Warder is more tanky and the Commando has more DPS… but I’m not sure which is more necessary/better in the late game since I’ve never been there.
I am open to any suggestions on which one of these builds is better, any comments/suggestions about skill choice, stat choice, or even if you think there is a better second class that I haven’t considered for this build!
-Nukes all enemy DA making your OA much more efficient and enables more crits…Force wave heavily relies on crits. They buffed rend with %crit damage because forcewave damage was too low
-MAssive crowd control, it’s not the confuse that is interesting but the impaired aim and fumble %chance. It works on bosses and nemeses too. They will have a chance to miss their attack as long as it’s not targeted AOE. Combined with Blast shield this is very strong
He took Flame touched for OA since he had spare points
Flashbang, more DA reduction, more confusion chance, more AOE.
Searing Light, I think most people take this for a chance for fumble/impaired aim. 33% chance to fumble means your targets (in the 10m radius of flashbang) will miss 33% of their attacks for 5 seconds. With a 1 second cooldown, you can keep that refreshed permanently. 33% of attacks missed is 33% damage not taken.
If you have doubts regarding a specific build then post it in that build’s thread.
Either the build’s OP (if he’s around and hasn’t kicked the bucket yet) or some other person with extensive game knowledge (like Superfluff here) would answer your queries
Occultist is also worth considering.
He has significant DPS boost with Curse of Frailty (-25% physical resist). He has extra tankiness with Aspect of Guardian (physical resist, poison resist).
Shaman is significantly more tanky, obviously, but has no DPS boosts. As for Demolisher, he may have better “paper” DPS, but in practice, -25 resist from CoF will be on par with that.
Dreeg shall forgive your insolence if you follow The Hidden Path :rolleyes:
Jokes aside, I might try my hands on pets once i get back to the game. Currently started something else (story based game and I don’t want spoilers so not going to reveal the name) and might try to level up a pet build.
I have a stupid Ultos Conjurer waiting to be dismantled, probably should be enough otherwise might need to level up a new one