if you use the standard buttons q and e for energy and health pots, you can free up 2 more buttons (the pots don’t have to be in the skill bar).
I use, left+right mouse, wheel up, wheel down, 4+5 mouse button, keyboard a,w,s,d,f,v (v for 2nd heal or immunity skills).
I am most comfortable with 6-7 skill buttons (mostly mouse) but this one has more to push, so you might want to consider it.
Keep up the good work
You are welcome. Depending on the game, you can learn something new even after thousands of hours of gameplay.
The only downside to the pots not being in the bar is that you can’t see when they come off cooldown, but I found myself getting used to the intervals naturally.
I know it is very hard to move away from keybindings one used for years.
I was forced to do so once, cause I wanted to dominate the peak in an mmorpg pvp setting. Clicking stuff by mouse just did not cut it when every second to counter or activate a skill counts.
It was a lot of trouble cause a,w,s,d being used for movement control, paired with the mouse to check surroundings, with the wheel dedicated to zooming.
I ended up using keys which were closest to a,w,s,d (q,e,f,r,t,z,x,c,v, 1,2,3,4,5) sorting the skills by function, frequency of use and ease of reach.
I set them up similiar for different characters, so I never had to worry much about getting confused or screwing up.
After I got used to it I never looked back.
You want dirty? Add Hungerer Oil (8% adch) and aetherward oil (+ 10% block chance 30% block damage)
Cheap faction consumables, 30s duration no cooldown. I think Torgos, forcewave, blitz,chillspikes, and blind fury all weapon damage based. I could be wrong but I think they all get the atcth
My hp instantly fills and doesn’t budge It feels cheesy and op hahaha.
Finally got all my skillpoints into it and hit 100, def loving the build
I was playing around with some builds and Blind Fury, then I remembered what you wrote here concerning it and RoH/Seal.
How does that differ, cause there is no innate weapon damage in RoH’s description either?
The only difference I see is that RoH has piercing damage aside from elemental damage, which both skills provide.
I am loosely following your build, playing HC ultimate right now, was playing a retaliation tactician before, but respeced everything and am kinda set on making a very similar character to yours.
One question though, how the hell were you able to get that much more skill points than I have @ lvl 100? I am investing in almost exactly the same setup as yours, but that doesn’t allow me to even put anything into RoH whatsoever. I’ll get another point or so from clearing hidden path, but after that that’s mostly it as far as I know.
Where did you get all those extra skill points that I don’t have?
Btw the only difference is that I’m currently running Aura of Conviction instead of Oleron’s Rage.
Ok yea figured that out myself but was to lazy/tired to update my post. I’m still farming for gear atm, I don’t have like 3/4 of everything he has. This has been my first HC character to survive that long therefore my current inventory/stash on HC is lacking heavily.
It takes time to get equipment on hc…I’m still working on some end game blueprints and such myself. I’ve lost countless characters but it’s fun. Most times its dumb luck you make it with some builds. I’ve literally had a kriegs DK with 3k DA and good armor absorb,etc still die from over half hp to moosy so shit happens…lol
Interested to try this build out for sure, just missing a few things. Looks like fun
For what it’s worth seal of night(chillspikes) and rune of hag have both been nerfed two or three times since this Original post… I doubt the performs like it did.
The damage is still massively better than just pure forcewave and you get a crab shield on top. Your AOE is insane while it has always been the problem with pure IT tacticians.