[Pierce Shield] Sword and Board Pierce based Blademaster

Isnt this build lacking AoE? Theres no aoe devotions and only lvl 1-4 RoS and lvl 1 Blitz


What is your opinion on Menhir’s Obelisk (devotion) as opposed to Tree of Life

And what do you think about using Panther constellation instead of Lighthouse. You get one extra point which could be used to get the 5% AS 280 health node in Unknown Soldier instead, which kind of compensates the loss of defensive stats


Yet another illustration of an obviously great build, cordoned off behind 1000+ hours of RNG refusing to cough up a Warborn Visor BP for me.


Maybe i’m missing something but wouldn’t Valdun be a better set for this instead of Warborn, at least the chest and hat? Since Valdun supports pierce and Warborn Physical.

Warborn brings massive defense, massive AS, and +1 to one of your actual classes.

Valdun brings a tons of bonuses to Demo skills, and some Pierce Damage.

But the Pierce damage is rendered moot by the Derp Slicer and Dev setup.

Valdun brings bonuses to Cadence and Deadly Momentum as well. Plus actual pierce modifiers, which Warborn has none.

Hey Jabs, if you like I could craft you one (would appreciate a Bladesworn Talisman which is part of the recipe).
Im offline for now, but feel free to contact me on discord if you like :slight_smile: (Ill pm you the contact details)

The Warborn bonuses outweigh those, heavily.

And, lest we be remiss, Warborn ALSO has bonuses to Cadence and Deadly Momentum… Google it, man. That, on top of that +1 to all Soldier skills. Which is to say another +1 to Cadence and Deadly Momentum, as well as your other selected Soldier skills like Menhir’s Endcap.

And then there’s the 100% Pierce conversion from the setup.

I’d love that.

I can give 2 Talismans, if you could see your way fit to make me 2 Visors.

Any other pieces you need, for your effort?

No, they don’t. The bonuses are very similar, except for Valdun actually having pierce damage modifiers, which actually matter when you try to stack as much flat damage as possible.

Agree to disagree, then.

I value having more survivability more than all but redundant DPS.

Can somebody help me compare tree of life vs menhir’s obelisk? I’m a newbie.

I like the latter since I find physical damage very hard to manage and it has a 30% freeze/stun resist node but why does everybody seem to prefer Tree of Life?

Check your pm :slight_smile: I could craft you as many as you wish as long you provide everything needed for the recipe.
I`d be online now for some hours.

I’ve got a question: does getting any physical dmg profits this build? Doeas it convert it to pierce through % armor penetration? Or I need to look only for flat pierce and % pierce dmg?

And also I would like t ask you what components are you recommending?

And can I use shadow strike instead of blitz?



First of all, my first post and big thx for the guide.
Im a newb here but reading quiet a while.

I got a Question for the skills Veil of shadow and warcry, everytime i blitz into a mob of monsters the veil of shadows appears, when i make the warcry its overlayed. Does the effect of veil of shadows dosent appeal anymore?

That would be too bad.

so far, blackwizz

-Blitz hits with Shield and SS doesn’t so yes you can but it’d better if you didn;t

-It does

Flat Physical = Flat Pierce (conversion percentage depends on your weapon)

-Components? For weapons Shield component with recovery time and Haunted Steel / Vicious Spike

Don;t think that’s how it works

Effects don’t overwrite each other

Err, btw can someone generate a GT Link for this build?

I’ll add it to the main post if and when i log in since it’d help the newbs

Not sure about the augments : Grimtools link

Just to quickly say, that ive been playing a bit in HC, for my first char in HC i wanted of course something safe, so i aim at this build, currently lvl 69 started ultimate a bit and i mustsay its HC viable, only played in solo so far so 100% self found and its really viable.
only moments i felt a bit edgy was running undead zones when in normal mode (veteran) killrian was a pain and solael was omfg im gonna die and kite A LOT (but i should have wait to kill him),i guess playing in normal, not in veteran should be even easier overall and elite was really peacefull, even to kill log.

in few words: for a rookie HC player like me, i totally recommend this build, im pretty sure its gonna work as well in ult.

It does

I don’t play HC but i am sure any Shield build can get by. Obviously it HC also means for you to be extra careful

@chthon I’m an unhappy Blademaster who’s leveled to 70 with great success. But switching to team play in Crucible I realize now that besting the game and beating the game on Crucible are not the same.

Crucible is tuned for well specc’d characters with well sorted (min/max’d) gear and the correct buffs on that gear.

My Blademaster was my first character and played and specc’d as I went, and ironically I picked the only class I actually love to play with my first attempt, so…

I will try this spec as I have gear up the proverbial wazzoo. I’ll report back my findings and experiences as a level 70 char.