Pine barrens motive

I didn’t really like sound of Kymon or the Necromancer faction but figured to pick one.

@Mamba - I believe so in campaign, but it does drop in Crucible so there is no point.

The only conversational/quest/in-character reason would be to collect on some of the Black Legion bounties, which involve killing certain named bosses in the area.

I really enjoy the Pine Barrens. I think it is a well constructed area and every time I get there I run through the entire thing.

That and the Manticore Eyes and Black Legion reputation.

You can get it in Crucible, albeit unlikely to drop.

I enjoy the Pine Barrens, but have 2 complaints:

  1. The walk from the rift to Mogara is a little long and the enemy density a little low.
  2. I hate finding the spider cave since the opening is random.

Everything else is pretty cash.

It’s Ol’ Bloodbriar’s cave that’s random and not on the minimap. But here are its spawn locations, courtesy of wikia:

Yeah I always look for the cave that is not on the minimap , that way you get to do both quests in the same system as one leads straight into the other :slight_smile:

All of my characters find it irritating, bordering on obsessive compulsive, to leave even a shred of the entire game unexplored. Sounds like a good enough reason to me :smiley:


Even if it were a desolation of total nothingness, I woud’ve cleaned it because of this. My personal crusade against fog of war, lol. %-)
Thankfully, there are plenty more to do there than just run around, so it’s not the main case. I don’t have any area in GD that I’m not exploring fully when I’m going through either difficulty level. Same deal was with TQ.

Yeah, my mistake about it being Bloodbriar’s. I know where the spawn locations are, it just annoys me every time since most other locations in GD are fixed.

I only worried if there was something like “Isaac’s Spaulders” where if I go off exploring before finding quest givers further on then it changes quests or rewards or xp. I agree that there is plenty of reason to explore the area.

No just farm her on Ultimate, it’s not a nemesis drop AFAIK