Factual story:
I’m level 85, in Ultimate, and just want to do the campaign.
I do not want to farm just yet. My goal is the campaign.
I get the quest to kill Tyrant Hold boss.
I reach the boss area and the beast Nemesis appears in that area.
I have both the boss and the Nemesis to fight.
In this particular case, the very first time you go to Tyrant hold is already quite a long trip.
You have to traverse the previous area(s), go through the docks to repair the bridge, back to the hold, explore it and finally the boss. The last thing you want after all that is the nemesis to come and stop you in the process and have to come back to Tyrant hold, hoping you won’t spawn the nemesis again, and again …
More generally:
Even before I disliked encountering nemesis while doing the campaign. But they were somewhat avoidable, in some places at least.
Now it is not the case any more. Even worse if it can spawn with the boss.
Please add an option to prevent nemesis spawn for those, like me, who do not want to farm yet but just want to smoothly play the campaign.
you already beat the campaign, why go to ultimate if you don’t want to power up “yet” to do harder content? nemesis provides both the challenge and rewards to chase.
maybe they could add a beast bounty table where you can kill 10 zombies in act 1 to undo your nemesis reputation
or let’s say 5 zombies, wouldn’t want to spawn an aetherial nemesis
No I just reached the domain.
So I have yet to do all the domain quests (food, amalgam, etc …) then the kymon/(?) quests, then go north to fort Ikon and do all the quests there up to the necropolis, final boss, then do Malmouth and Forgotten gods.
I do not want to be bothered by nemesis while doing so.
I don’t know if a mod to remove all nemesis bosses exists. But if it doesn’t, here’s 2 tricks that may help:
When going on a long trip (Tyrant’s Hold), open a portal of your own every 10 mins or so. Leave the portal open in the middle of the path just in case you die unexpectedly, and then you don’t have to walk as much if you do.
Nemesis only spawn once per game session. You can use this to avoid them. In Tyrant’s Hold the monsters are of the “Beast” faction. So, before going there, portal to Smuggler’s Pass instead. Kill beasts in Smuggler’s Pass until the beast nemesis spawns; and then immediately leave the area. You can now go to Tyrant’s Hold and the Nemesis will not spawn again.
I unfortunately agree. Nemesis spawns make me rage quit. I can’t beat them, well I beat one of them, the one that turns into 2 and then 4, otherwise it’s pretty well always a one shot. I’m a level 100 Reaper on Elite and while yes I am not very good, I like to have fun; Nemesis spawns are not fun. Sorry if I am too whiny.
You’ll grow to love them. Now you rage quit, but later you’ll think: “So we meet again. Let’s do this.”
What will remain is a fond memory of overcoming an obstacle. Soon you’ll repeat my words to new players.
How do I know? I had similar issue with Arcane monsters. One made me rage quit for the first time. Then I learnt how to deal with them, then I enjoyed meeting them, then I enjoyed seeing other people rage instead of me.
Then devs nerfed Arcanes in version 1.2. End of story.
I will say that you definitely can beat them with patience, a bit more effort into understanding game mechanics, and possibly some better farmed gear.
I was levelling a chaos FoI Deciever a while ago, I had infamy merits on most Nems, and then I encountered Benn Jahr at level ~82 Ultimate while speed levelling (Lokarr set so basically no armour or phys res): to say he demolished me was an understatement. So I tweaked gear and tried to grab some more entrapment resistance (cause he would just trap me when I tried to run away and just smack me once) and after dying a couple times and tweaking the build a few times I got him. Moral of the story, it’s very possible to get slapped by a Nemesis and overcome it with proper tweaks.
I had thought about if GD reduced Beast infamy gain and what that would mean for Nemesis spawns and I figured that keeping it the same would be the best option in my eyes. Kuba is an interesting fight mechanic and makes for a nice step up in difficulty for characters. I would much rather have to fight him than any other Nemesis when leveling up!
The other benefit of Kuba is he’s a DPS check just like Cronley. If you’re struggling with him, you aren’t dealing enough damage (or AoE damage for his multiples…) or you don’t have sustain figured out enough.
Most boss fights are lame and boring if you’ve played for a long while like we have…
Who would you prefer?
I don’t play single damage, so that’s not a problem for me. Single element builds have it easier since you should be able to strip most of that by the time you finally meet him…
Even with a Cold/Vitality build I don’t care since he’s only got 61% of each in Normal (not much more added in Elite & Ultimate either!) and you should have decent -RR% by the time you finally meet him.
No, Kubacabra has been always a lame fight to me. He’s just an oversized Leafmane that happens to split into copies.
Benn’Jhar is a much better Nemesis and it also teaches the player that some Nemeses can have Sunder, which Kubacabra doesn’t.
And in my opinion, a vanilla Nemesis should be teaching about Nemeses, not one from an expansion.
That’s fine, but i’m willing to bet a lot of people play single damage types during leveling. It’s no secret people go for MIs for the 100% conversions to increase their damage output to make leveling quicker.
Valdaran, because when we start the game, we set out to neutralise aetherial threat. It’s only logical that we anger them first.
Kubacabra may come as a surprise to new players, because it’s never our goal to destroy beasts. They’re just collateral. Heck, in base game beasts aren’t even a faction.
I was thinking this exactly. It is now extremely easy to get to max Beast infamy, even on a SSF character; even without using any mandates; and even while skipping areas. And considering there will probably be many more areas with beasts in the new expansion, I really think the infamy gain for Beasts should be toned down… like a lot.
There have been 3 or 4 threads here on the forums already like this one: new players that struggle with nemesis and think it’s unfair because they get crushed. And which nemesis are they encountering? Kuba. Every time.
Beast infamy needs to be slowed down…
… and Cronley’s infamy needs to be sped up BTW. It’s by far the hardest faction to get infamy for; considering there are no Cronley Totems or Rogue-like dungeons. Even if you clear all Cronley enemies in all 3 difficulties and do some Devil’s Crossing bounties on top of that, it will still take you hours of exclusively farming cronley’s to get to Nemesis status after you’ve beat the game; especially on SSF characters who don’t have access to warrants.
New areas with Cronley enemies would help, of course, but I’m really not expecting that to happen in the coming expansion; it doesn’t fit, thematically.
Benny is the best nemesis for new players; besides the aforementioned points of teaching about sunder and being a vanilla nem, his damage sources are visually clearer than something like Valdaran’s retal aura or Kuba’s ground effects. He’s also the only nemesis you can efficiently kite and is easier to take down for completely new players.