Please add the option to attack without moving

Starting up the game for the first time, I didn’t like having attack on left click because then it’s hard to move around an enemy without frequently attacking them instead, so I put attack on 1.
Now when I press 1, the character first runs over to my mouse cursor, then attacks.
I have to constantly hold shift if I just want the attack and no movement.

I see in the options that the game has the option I’m looking for but for spells only.
It would be very nice to have an option to toggle an attack to always attack without moving.

doesn’t actually, as i found out recently Char moves in cast range with classic casting off - #3 by Gnomish_Inquisition
clicking a spell still moves you into range unless it’s like a beam spell or something

similar to the shift toggle you can use force move to not attack while moving, tho it still requires an additional button to be held at the same time as the attack skill so i guess it’s still puts you in the same boat :sweat_smile:
alternatively what some do is have “move to”(hand icon skill) on LMB and attack on RMB - pretty sure RMB will still auto move you before attacking tho since most direct attack skills does that

Isn’t it a feature not a bug since it prevents you from wasting your attacks by hitting the air / being to far from monsters?

Controller players actually ask for this from time to time because when you play with a :video_game: , the characters doesn’t move to enemies if you attack

To me, wasting an attack when I mean to attack is much less of a loss than accidentally moving when I meant to attack.
It makes the most sense to let the player choose which trade-off they prefer.

i never had this issue… i barely ever press force move and can go arround mobs kinda easy most times just with mouse, so long i got space for it or i dodge thru them… tho sometimes yeh i need to press force walk or shift to cast from spot… either way i always say " more options, more happy players ". i sometimes wish i could bind any skill to the main mouse attack… and cant so yeh would b nice if we could rebind that one too!