Please change the bonus on Gunslinger jacket

Gunslinger jacket is one of a few famous blue items with very good bonus for range builds, especially pierce/physical gun.
Screenshot 2023-09-29 213442

Unfortunately, even when the general stats of jacket is very good, the “bonus” only apply for dual-range weapon. I’ve tried a few 2 handed gun/crossbow builds like Repeater Infiltrator, Mythical Eye/Ugdenbog Boltthrower Tactician… and they need a lot of useful stats (especially %OA), and Gunslinger Jacket is a very nice choice IF they could somehow get the bonus crit/OA from the item. Even the name “gunslinger” is meant for all kind of “gun”, not the 1-handed gun only. Please change the granted skill for gun in general, not dual only :frowning: (and sr for my bad english)


It would be really epic for some 2h ranged builds, but I am not sure how it’s gonna go together with the name “Gunslinger”.

English is not my native language, but as far as i search:

So i think thay “anything good with any kind of guns- gunslinger”. Not that you should be good with 1 handed gun, or 2 handed- gun, just any gun. And you are right, it might become the best jacket for every Pierce gun builds, but really we dont have better options to pick. Some 2 handed range pierce builds rely too much on green MI affix even with cunning dump (like -prowess/fox/eagle, or Agressive/of Atk) to get enough OA for their RR proc

there’s already chests with 2h ranged exclusive bonus btw
gunslinger is the only for dw

I’m not asking to remove the “dual wield part” of gunslinger. I want to add that the bonus stats also work with any kind of gun, not “dual wield bonus only”. We have plenty of examples for this kind of bonus, its not something too specific. And if you talk about Valdun jacket bonus for “2h range only”- tell me how often you see players take that jacket outside of full Valdun Tactician/Purifier?

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you don’t only have valduun, you also have sharpshooter - and “incomplete” valduun builds are indeed a thing if it’s pierce 2h
point is/was, if you strip the requirement you suddenly have an even bigger disproportional 2h benefitting compared to dw, it being dw sorta serves to balance out the requirement specific bonuses

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