Please help me fix my character!

Hi guys,

Ages ago i started a Warborn Command (Superfluffs build) and got to 85 and set to farming etc but never got very lucky with drops, even after spending an age farming on him.

This is his Grimtools

So the other day i fired him up, hes most of the way through Ultimate but ive reached Asterkarn Valley and stuff is absolutely ripping him a new one, it seems my tankiness has plummeted, and his dps is hilariously bad.

Can anyone suggest a new build for him? devotions, point allocations etc? im fairly certain i can go back to Normal to get a reset potion or something for him right?

I enjoyed playing him and would like to get him to 100 with a decent usable build, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Surely someone has some advice or an endgame Commando build I can swap to? :slight_smile:

Is there a potion that resets class choices? I have the first one that resets attributes.

As it stands I can’t advance further on this character due to rubbish gear and no real build direction, as Superfluff seems to have changed the build and I lack any of the pieces for it lol.
I guess the other option is to go back to Elite and farm?