Please help optimizing my dw ranged warder

Hi everyone,

I’m new player, currently enjoying the game a lot.

Got this idea about DW ranged with 2 x Mythical Exonerator and naturally a Warder at it. Could not find any similar build so I tried to make one:

(edit: changed components)

I could just think of some basic stuff: 3k OA/DA, overcapped res, acceptable armor/aa, adcth and about 150k DPS. Also took Phoenix & Crab for a bit damage absorbtion. Still, this toon is, as you would expect, quite squishy. I’m not an expert on SR/CR so no idea how far it could climb.

Figured I should post it here and get some advices. What can I do to make it better? Or there is simply not much hope for this kind of build?


wdym ? :thinking: - on paper that thing seems fine
you’re 1pt short in Savagery which is a bit OCD brain itch inducing, but that’s about it
phys res could be considered on the low end, slow res mebe
resist overcap looks like it can be fixed with some component swap and augment shuffles

I mean Warder seems pretty awkward with guns. Usually with Inquisitor we got WoR & Seal to stand on.

Or maybe it was just because of my poor piloting skill.

resist overcap looks like it can be fixed with some component swap and augment shuffles

Thanks. I just made some changes. Better now.

phys res could be considered on the low end

I could not find any workarounds for phy res though. Sigh.

quick example

grabbing RR in devos seems better than using the ring for flat imo

i would probably personally ditch the ancient plating in chest, and use a sanctified bone etc, then swap augments to compensate

you had Ultos assigned to Zolhan, which is probably less optimal, regardless which setup you use you should consider slapping ultos on devils
you also had jawbone in medal, which is unnecessary since you were over speed cap anyway, so you could easily use a heart for aether res and then shuffle vitality res augment
likewise your bleed res seemed fine (in GT atleast) so probably don’t need vit-bleed augment
too many points in totem imo, aside from being 1pt short of pointbreak, i’d probably personally not bother increasing its heal for points, 1% more heal/sec is likely not gonna do anything major
could use the points to max wps, or bump Decorated Soldier for resist, or just in blood pact for more lifesteal etc

slapping ultos on devils

Total bummer. I have no exp with pets in general so didn’t even think of that.

you also had jawbone in medal, which is unnecessary since you were over speed cap anyway

Right. Maxed AS with Savagery charges up.

Thanks again for your suggestions.