please introduce paid DLC for increasing stash size and for unlimited respecs.

I’m genuinely curious how that works with collecting legendary sets. There must be some way to do it, because apparently people do play like that, but I don’t see how :sweat_smile:

I use GDIA and I have ~700 legendary items (including duplicates, so probably 300 unique ones) and hardly a set among them. I think I have maybe two three item sets and I can probably make two bigger sets by transmuting an item (currently not interested in those), but that’s it.

I don’t get how that works if all you’re using is the in-game stash (without a bunch of mules).

I’ll craft the craftable set piece 4 times and transmute for the set. I have the resources. This is rich person syndrome of course and not everyone will be able to do this and as such they will hold on to pieces. From that angle I get wanting more space.

I think I’ve hit the point where I have what I need to make 5-10 builds in a priority type fashion and that’s a lot at the pace I am currently playing. Everything else gets filtered through the lens of “am I going to use this relatively soon?” If the answer is no, I’ll either pick it up to sell or leave it.

A lot of these space issues might hinge on what Crate does in the xpac. We still don’t have a ton of info.


If you have the FG expansion, it’s completely pointless to hoard full sets. Once you get the blueprint, you’re set and can simply target farm the materials to craft the set headpiece and reroll it on the inventor until you get every piece.


how is hoarding a full set pointless
it literally saves you mats,
gets you a set faster,
and more so potentially gets you set you might not otherwise be able to “because you need 1 specific blueprint”
not to mention you get to cherrypick the one with highest rolls (if that’s something one is interested in)
i feel like this comment glosses over a multitude of things :sweat_smile:


Agreed. Cannot tell you how often I found a Beastcaller’s item even though I had the blueprint. Thrilled at not having to farm the $%&## manticore eyes.


If you fight for space, the first way to save it is to leave set items. Sadly.

More shared stash would be a great improvement.

Paid DLC for basic features needs to die in a fire.
The limitless greed of big publishers is sucking the life out the industry.

Which is why I am happy with the stance Crate takes on the matter.
Hell, the community had to badger them into making a cosmetics pack.

  1. While more stash space would be nice, there are free mods and tools for that.
  2. No thanks, personally I love the idea of permanent choices, though maybe not as severe as D2.
    Respec points, yes. Masteries, no.

As several people pointed out 3 and 4 are already in the game.