I know this may sound like a off-topic and crazy question, but it’s been gnawing at me for several weeks now:
Is there a way we can access that Nemesis Showdown Twitch video that you showed us a few years ago (holy smokes, it was October '17? Crazy!)? It was awesome having the enemies fighting each other and watching Alex go toe-to-toe with Grava. Maybe have it as one of your last Twitch videos before your support is done for good (you have to have Kaisan join the fight as well as not-crazy Kuba) and have it backed up so we can watch it after the archive period?
…and I’m not 100% on this but it’s probably possible for any user to spawn Nemesis in the console in a Custom game and make them duke it out if you know the right commands?
Ah shame then. It might be completely gone then unless they still have it on their hardrive? I don’t know if Twitch keeps old streams available to the streamer (account owner).