Hey everyone, been constantly checking these forums for updates and what not so I thought I may as well jump in here and say hello.
I’m from QLD, Australia and I have been gaming ever since my Master System 2! D1 and D2 were the first ARPGs I played however I did not sink a great amount of time into either of them. It wasn’t until I discovered Titan Quest in my steam library that I really got into the genre.
I discovered Grim Dawn through a Titan Quest vs Diablo 3 comparison video on youtube where the creator of the video made mention of a new game from the creators of TQ.
I just missed out on the Kickstarter close date but I managed to find someone one these forums (William xD) to split a Co Op package with.
I am clinging on to any new updates that are mentioned in these forums and I look forward to talking with you all!