Pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Hey everyone, been constantly checking these forums for updates and what not so I thought I may as well jump in here and say hello.

I’m from QLD, Australia and I have been gaming ever since my Master System 2! D1 and D2 were the first ARPGs I played however I did not sink a great amount of time into either of them. It wasn’t until I discovered Titan Quest in my steam library that I really got into the genre.

I discovered Grim Dawn through a Titan Quest vs Diablo 3 comparison video on youtube where the creator of the video made mention of a new game from the creators of TQ.

I just missed out on the Kickstarter close date but I managed to find someone one these forums (William xD) to split a Co Op package with.

I am clinging on to any new updates that are mentioned in these forums and I look forward to talking with you all!

welcome to the forums! glad you could join us here!

Good to have another seasoned gamer on the forums, hi and welcome.

hi and welcome, hope you enjoy your time here

And welcome to the forums to you too! Enjoy the rise of Grim Dawn!!! (Muaaaa haaaa haaaa) <-- major evil laugh :wink: