Plushie the Third, Vote Now!

Thank you sooo much! This approach is the best of both worlds, and we appreciate the official announcement!

Please pass our collective thanks onto all those from Crate Entertainment and Makeship who influenced and made this decision!

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sorry i missed the vote i would love a plushie blight fiend, the necromancer is my favorite class in the game, mixes well with most others, opresser is my go to, sad i missed the event

I just want to say that I’m highly disappointed in 2 things:

  1. I missed the poll, as usual
  2. Scorv did not get more love
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A certain sample has arrived today, campaign starting in a few weeks!


PLEASE make sure to post a News update on Steam when the Crate plushie campaign starts. Because I NEEEEEEEEEEED!

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Now I’m not saying this next plushie needs to ship 1500 units but…I guess Makeship would be interested in doing more types of merch if it did…just putting that out there…

And for the record, we don’t make big bucks off of these, this is purely so you guys have more fun options. We’d love to get more kinds of merch available to you, but it’s been shockingly hard to get a partner interested!


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More interested in the key chains, pins and hoodeis myself.


Hoodies and keychain would be cool, if not all the above lol

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Ill get both!

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I was showing the Plushi to a friend and she and i had the same reaction:
“Why does the plushi need boobs” as in the pronounced stuffed version. dont get me wrong we dont see it as wrong or something it just takes away from it beeing the cute thing you want to have on your sofa or whatever. if we could still intervene i would not make her have the boobs as stuffed part and only as part of the dress.

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Why do you think she’s so popular? Boobies! :crazy_face:


didn’t see the ingame loading screen i take it?

nerds be like “true to the source material” :sweat_smile:

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Maybe the result of this poll should have been the crate, with boobs. The croobs.

The Loading screen is great, her ingame outfit is great its just more a personal thing that i think i´m not all alone with:

A stuffed plushi does not need to be thick

but i´m totaly fine if you want that. thats cool with me aswell.

@kll : i would also buy a croobs i guess
@medea_fleecestealer : sure but by that point we could vote for the Shattered Realms Portal Guardians…oh thats next is it?


I understand that sentiment. However…my wife’s reaction was, “why is she so flat?” to the initial draft. You really can’t please everybody! :laughing:

Her bust is not that dramatic.


Her look when she gets it as a present will be the judgement of your promises.

@all, y’all 400something people that voted for this thing better start ordering


Quite funny about the 400 something that voted for her, only 116 sold so far. I think majority either are not aware of the sale or are disappointed on how she looks as a plushie.

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if that’s the case then i’m guessing those who voted never saw a plushie before/one of the other plushies? - it’s not gonna look like the pic :laughing: