Plushie the Third, Vote Now!

Wish I could vote for more than one. The Crate would be awesome, but also so would Byscilla. Hmmmm.

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wonder if kitty would have gotten more votes if they’ve used one of the other models? :thinking:
Stuff like Manticore Alpha etc looks extra awesome or varying degrees of cuteness (imo)


The nemesis and primal spirit both look awesome too.

The Crate box is a no brainer for me. Represent! :tada:

I’ll buy it in a heart beat!

I am simping for Byscilla.

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Manticore is about the only thing I would want and would spend money on. Less explanation needed if someone sees it and asks.


Definitely Cube or Rotten meat guy. If you even hold a plushie or pillow, you know it have its limitations in size, construction, details. Animal will look OK, but there’s nothing special.

Cube on other side will look great at any environment, on desk, bed etc. Hard to fail with that.

Rotten meat will look great in plush because of body shape (fat round big limbs) unlike humans, with their proportions it will be silly.
Meat - looks unique, fits well in game, represents species and will be welcomed by WH40K community as creature of Nurgle (god of disease).


My guess is that for those people, “Scorv” and “Body Pillow” were mutually inclusive. No body pillow, no Scorv.


Heh, exactly the opposite of how my mind processes it. The cube will look great, but it’s also something I could easily make on a sewing machine (and I am not a particularly good seamster). So I see no reason to pay money to have an official version of it made.

Meanwhile, the various humanoids and animals are things that I could not easily make myself, and so are worth buying an official version of.


Addon announce on steam when?
Can’t wait!

Byscilla and Krieg for the win :military_helmet:

Cube! Keep Byscilla for the inside of the Scorv body pillow.

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My brain says Crate, but my heart said Blight Fiend. Looks like I wasted my vote so now I’m rooting for Crate and desperately wish I had the Gazer because the Devourer is freaking is awesome.


These are all GREAT images!

You can change it. just click on “Show vote”

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Announcing Fangs of Asterkarn!

Great minds think alike :fist_right: :fist_left:

If I could vote for more than one, I’d vote
1 Byscilla
2 Crate
3 Manticore
4 Krieg
5 blightfiend
6 old cannibal dude

Damn, I fully expected a clear winner to emerge. Might have to see if Makeship would run a dual campaign for the top 2 picks. :laughing:


Damn Byscilla really pulled through.