Poison Acid Deceiver Viable?

Looking for feedback on a rarely done build a dual wielding gunslinger deceiver. How would this fare in the SR 80+?

Inquisitor chosen for the WPS and dual wielding capability. Occultist chosen for -% RR possession, insane bufffs on blood of dreeg and 100% vitality pierce and elemental vitality converted to posion/acid

Equipment: only of alacrity suffixes need for the weapons (chosen for the 24% total damage modified and other buffs) and amulet for full pierce - poison conversion. Barbaric on weapons IMHO best in slot because of the attack speed and HP boost (sorely neeed but the prefixes aren’t important) the badge is strictly for resists / CC resist not that important. chosen for the extra 15% weapon damage to chilling rounds and quick to farm

Devotions: kind of torn: scorpion looks good for the 40% weapon damage (life steal sustain) and DA shred but raven and a final point in abomination is tempting. 4000 OA this path. so expecting a ton of damage when futher modfied by 24%

Full inqusitor seal for some tankiness

On paper it looks legit but during the off time of chariot armor and DA and armor is garbage (prone to bursts) Phys rez at 42 also isn’t amazing. so I was also considering behemoth? And the HP is garbage. But as for advantages: dual wielding 31k damage close to 200% attack speed sick OA, possession, and seal and horn of gandaar -30% damage should give this some tanking power?

Is this absolutely insane? and should I just give up? cause this is going to be a bitch to level I can already see that. and potential surviviability issues due to low HP. and in having no hard circuit breaker.

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You can always generate character quickly and test with gd-edit (the make-char command)

If you want behemoth you could consider full Abomination together with Helmet + Shoulders + Armor that convert Chaos → Acid because this devo boosts Health Regen and gives flat Chaos so there’s a synergy. Although you’d lose t 3p Dreeg. Just another option to test.

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Ah a new tool cool I’ll try it out. I’m an old timer who has been playing on and off since before the first expansion I just go with my gut feel using grim tools how much overcapped the resists are OA ect. the healing spells I don’t consider much before I always spam them to get use out the passive benefits and they are usually on cool down right when I get blasted down to 20% HP or so Behemoth has been buffed but I really dislike devotion with a cool down longer than 10 seconds and behemoth is ridiculously bad usually unless your stack HP regen tree of life shaman ect. and get like 5k HP regen before the procs activate.

not really true btw
we have tons of builds running around with way less regen before procs, or even just has 5k with giant’s blood, check the top20 just to see a couple top performing with this

specially cdr builds love giant’s blood even with sub 5k regen :sweat_smile:

fwiw i did a deceiver similar to yours, main difference being more wps, it was fine, nothing spectacular (tbh not expected since sorta meme), so the concept is there/it’s viable, but can’t speak for sr80+ requirement since that’s never been an inclusion of mine, let alone since phys changes

keep in mind 1.2.1 changed phys dmg and phys res, so what might not have seemed amazing at 42 before is not the same at 42 now (also you don’t have 42 perma phys res because you’re looking at stats with proc buffs active)