[Poll] Does Fire Strike needs another buff?

You test a lot of builds but you still submit them to your twisted high standards. It’s the same shit in practice. It’s like a film critic calling every blockbuster released garbage because he considers that all good movies must have a deep philosophical message and absolute perfect cinematography. Your builds are cool and all and it’s really an achievement to have those crazy clear times, but you’re the last person I would trust to help balance this game.

On one hand, I understand where you are coming from. I do have very high standards when I make my builds. On the other hand, why wouldn’t you listen to a person who spent hundreds of hours figuring out endgame and has proven multiple times to have figured it out when there is a question about endgame? I don’t have any bias, I am not getting any profit out of some builds becoming stronger or weaker than other ones, I just (still) have passion of the game and happen to spend way too many hours solving its endgame.

Like you for example, you think 8-9 minute is enough for a gunslinger. But you are totally missing the point. The more it takes for an offensive (no shield, low armor, not a lot of defensive layers) and stationary (auto-attacker, has to facetank a lot) build to complete a Crucible run, less consistent it gets.

There is another thing: if a build has a lot of synergy (dual RR, dedicated dual-mastery set, etc.), it should be fast and strong. It’s just obvious.

Also, as someone who went to Film School I can tell you that film critics (good ones) are mostly right. 90% of the movies that are released are garbage. But that’s off-topic.


If the only reason to not bake the modifiers into the main skill is deleting skill points, I’ll echo the suggestion to “just” change them into actual transmuters. With damage conversion or some % chance to pierce targets at the cost of damage for example.

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Melee Fire Strike is still a gimmick outside of couple of builds. I would not worry about that tbh.

I tried 2h FS Shieldbreaker with the proper MI weapon. Yup can’t match DW version. And Sabo N&O is decent. And your SB is good. Purifier is slightly under the average mark. But most outside of these will suck. Fire Strike isn’t offering much more for melee than Shard of Beronath. Yet ranged FS builds aren’t much better. :thinking:

It really depends on your personal experiences, especially if your pc isn’t that great. I remember posting builds back when I played on an old laptop and my average would be 10 mins 4 buffs 1 banner. The most OP builds like old binder would take 8 mina. But when I upgraded and tested the same builds which then got 5 mins consistently, everything changed.

I really don’t mean to be a dick i’ m being 100% honest here about my experience.

If a build in crucible lasts more than 7:30 I get bored. It is too time consuming and I am not having fun.

It doesn’t have to be 5 minutes something on every build. I’ve posted builds i’m having a good time with that do 7 minutes (give or take 20 secs) because I really enjoied the concept (like Targo and chaos DB). But that is my personal entertainment limit, 7:30 min

And as x1x1x1x2 said. LAg. Back in Aom all my builds had +2 minutes or more to their performance for example. I had no choice but to endure that. But, if you don’t have to endure…you can have fun too as i’ve found out when i bought a new PC :smiley:

Crucible really is pay to win / have fun after all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Happy to report 6:30 run and played like a total noob miscasting spells and stuff.

After getting adjusted it can be better surely and post a video too if i get the time. If not, just the 6:30 one.

This build can rape mobs and single targets

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Bravo. Fire strike x Inquisitor’s WPS has always been a lovingly degenerate interaction.

It gets better :stuck_out_tongue:

But i’ll post tomorrow

Then I guess Dagallon and/or Fire Strike are strong. But how consistent is the your spec?

Was never even close to dying even when getting adjusted and fumbling around.

The build has enough absorb ( stable & procs ) , circuit breakers combined with killing power that makes use of them in due time that you just won’t die unless you want to

Nice, so Dagallon is good after all. Do post videos and gt when you can, please.

Not Dagallon but Bonemonger + Sigillis has potential after the buffs.


That did 7 mins (tho it can die on 170) and I trolled devotions. If we do it full fire or full lightning pretty sure it can be beastly. Waiting for @thejabrixone for the next bonemonger build :stuck_out_tongue:

LoL, I’ve already done that in, and tried it again in I made something like this:

I did about 7 minutes without banner.
Though it was super super glassy and need full concentration. I leave that for now because I need to take a break from bonemonger. :joy:

I am in the middle of finishing up my defiler to get all the extra skill points. Want to finally do dreadscorcher Aether FS:

Damn defiler, got so many holes to fill.


Damn. I also think I’ve already seen the build post for that but just forgot. I’m thinking Barrelsmith should be better for full lightning tho.

Dreadscorcher is masochist tier :stuck_out_tongue:

It definitely is. I am just finishing up port valbury for anasteria’s last quest. I didn’t dare to facetank any bosses! I finally can experience a real ranged gameplay… LoL…

Damage is kinda nice though with a fully converted fire strike and finally reliable thermite mine with aether RR… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

EDIT: just remembered that SR set exist. Will try that if this partial krieg cannot work in cruci, lol

I would love to see fire strike offering more for melee, like spawning the fragments of brimstone on melee hits as well. Its a fun skill to play as melee.

Furthermore ranged fire strike could receive a buff regarding on the distance to the enemies hit. This would help firestrike holding benefits for ranged use but still offering a bit more to make this skill to be seriously considered as a melee main damage source.