Poll - Environment 2

Oh, that piqued my interest. I never knew the people of Cairn liked having their sewers and cellars being 3-10x as large as the town/house. The people of Cairn always fascinate me, for everything they make. :cool:

ATM it is really a choice between the forest or the fort. i’m more of a dungeon crawler type so i will go with the fort… if the sewers had any chance i would voted that way but this seems to be the least popular??! Are there so few dungeon dwellers amongst us:confused:

ATM it is really a choice between the forest or the fort. i’m more of a dungeon crawler type so i will go with the fort… if the sewers had any chance i would have voted that way but this seems to be the least popular??! Are there so few dungeon dwellers amongst us:confused:

The ruined fort gets me every time. I love wandering through the shattered walls of an abandoned fortress.

An evil forest around a ruined fort pleeeeeeease! :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe that many people think like this, which is the reason why again I have to question the way these polls are performed. Running a public poll might seem transparent and all, but I think there is little doubt that this leads to skewed results.

Please Medierra and team, reconsider conducting future polls in a different manner. At least hide the results until the very end. I am sure you want to have an accurate depiction of the community’s opinion as much as I do.

In case the forum software does not give you alternatives, there are quite a number of external poll solutions that are easily accessible, an overview would be here: http://mashable.com/2007/08/05/online-polling/

As I said, runner-up voting would be my favorite, but to me a hidden poll is the absolute minimum. I know that I sound a bit like a sore loser, since both polls did not reflect my personal opinion, but really I am a bit concerned about the accuracy of the results.

Give me a break.

I was against the Cthonic Void at first but I accepted it. I have faith that Crate will make it great.

Anyway, if your ‘ideas’ don’t win this time. I’m sure they will be used for the expansion. (Being that Grim Dawn is a open-world game. So, exploring the same ‘exact’ looking open-world twice with the expansion would be lame beyond belief.)

And you know what, the expansion will probably be better since Crate will make the game’s engine more improved by then.

I do not see an issue with someone voting for his preferred option among the popular ones, in fact it is smart, as it increases the chances of you getting something you like.

Yes, the result of a blind vote would be somewhat different, but that does not mean it is better or even that the top three options would be any different, in fact I’d assume they would be the same, only the less favorite options would change ranks.

Please don’t get me wrong, I did not cry out for repeating the polls anywhere. I admit, my favorite was Shipyard, nevertheless I accepted Cthonic Void as it was the result of a poll that was conducted in a predefined manner. Whether it accurately portrays the opinions of the community is questionable, but I accept the result. The same goes for this poll, I do not agree with the way the poll is conducted either, but when it’s done, it’s done and I will also accept it although I am quite sure that a different way of handling this would have lead to different results.

Possibly I am a bit too scientifically-minded about this, but from my experience in voting theory, public plurality voting (the one performed here) has several drawbacks but is often chosen as it is pragmatic and very intuitive.

Alternatively, there are some voting systems that fulfill the Condorcet criterion, which states that the winning candidate would win against every other candidate in pair-wise polls. It’s a nice criterion which improves handling the cases where the winner is actually strongly disliked by many people and encourages consent among the voters. The poll itself is very easy to conduct by allowing everyone to give a rating for each option.

In the end, I guess, the voting used here will be sufficient for most people and I am going to stop bitching about this since apparently there is no interest in changing things for future polls.

I am looking forward to this game just as anyone, so please regard my strong feelings about this as concern for the quality of the game.

I am confident that Crate will do a great job even if they rolled dice on the options and I agree with you that the Expansion will be even greater than the original if it features Shipyard (dare I hope Battlefield as well?).

How Farm Slaughterhouse is losing, I do not know.

But yeah, they all will be good.

I’m all jumpy with excitement - can’t wait for this to come out.

Anyway, I voted for the Ruined Fort. The forest seemed cool too, but I kinda got enough of evil forests i Diablo 3, yet a surprising lack of ruined forts. Including what I saw of the in game footage I think that Crate can make wonders happen - without stooping to cliches. Evil Forest is cool, but Ruined Fort is something I haven’t seen in ARPG’s.

Last year we had ‘ruined forts’ in DIablo 3 (act 3) and in Kingdoms of Amalur, but I agree, Crate can do something unique with this theme.

I was in doubt for the evil forest or the farm slaughterhouse.
Picked the latter one as it seemed the most unique one.
Now I see it’ll probably be the ruined fort, but that’s okay. As long as it breathes atmosphere i’m fine with it.:wink:

While I think a poll for a Grim Dawn environement do not need so much concern, I think you are right about it! The results of public polls during elections is one of the main reasons why democracy isn’t working as it should be (at least in my country).

Man all the areas sounds great i liked Evil Forest, Slaughterhouse, Ruined Fort most.

I guess Sewers got few votes because of D3 :stuck_out_tongue: and Skeletons (Catacombs?) is one of the most common mobs for arpg’s i think.

The vote landed on Evil Forest it sounds spooky, was thinking of the suicide forest in japan. :eek:

If that was the case, then Ruined Fort would have also been one of the choices that had low voting counts since it was used as well in D3. Remember the beginning of act 3, yeah it is best not to let the voters know about it, otherwise they will regret voting. :wink:

Either way, Path of Exile has all the environments I want in an ARPG, so I am satisfied for now.

Voting seems to have slowed down.
Looks the Ruined Fort is going to win.

About 800 people voted on this poll by the 2nd day and the result has been pretty clear since then.

To compare - 1011 people voted on the 1st poll.

I saw that.
Well, I was a little optimistic that more people would vote compared to that last poll.
More sales = more forum members = more votes?
Guess they are too lazy to sign-up for the forums or they have faith that Crate will make this game good no matter what environment wins.

Not sure if I offered this before, but I think the only thing I would conduct differently in any other poll would be to withhold results until the voting is closed… I would agree that otherwise some could be thereby inclinated to vote for a ‘winner’, instead of casting a vote for that which they truly favour the most.

This ‘polling’ practice is indeed one definite negative thing that stems from & plagues real-world political voting.

But anyway, Ruined Fortress sounds fine.

Btw, if you combined a Ruined Fortress and Catacombs, you`d have… The Farmacombs.