Poll: favorite class?


@LightningYu , not cool to use this GIF , it’s specifically reserved to Maya :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, did she reserve the picture once zantai nerfes the Bird?

Like this?



No… it was for when Nery used to Ninja my posts…

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But on the matter of Necromancer vs Occultist:


So you’re saying that necromancers are superior to birds? Because that rat is totally in control in that first GIF :upside_down_face:

Because using an Owl might not be accurate representation of Occultists:


i voted for nightblade, demolitionist would be my second choice, shaman would be a close third… soldier would be dead last. I do not like soldier. I have a level 85 warder, and a battlemage and commando that will never get leveled up most likely.

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This, and that’s only an “Rat”-Necromancer… now compare it to an proper Necromancer, and you would see why an Occultist and his bird won’t stand a chance against an Necromancer.

I mean look even at the Wallpapers(in comparison, the occultist picture itself is still cool):


Pure-Epicness! Master of the Death and the “unholy” Magic. He looks like a King above everything else, with an fitting style.


Farmerboi Fred with his Bird Jack. But he has a cool dagger/sword tho…

I only see the insufferable Stink from the Necromancer’s armpits that even bothers the dead and buried…

What the hell is this and is there more of it? :rofl:

Can’t really decide, so many fun classes to choose from :slight_smile:
When I look at the time spent playing each build I think Inquisitor, Occultist and Shaman are my favorites but I probably spent the most time with Shaman so I voted for that.
What I can say for sure is that Demolitionist is my least favorite class, I have only a few demo builds and I don’t play them much these days. Although that might change with the Thermite Mines change coming next patch.

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It was something I found on Imgur randomly.

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K9mO5QzOIQ


Buff Oathkeeper, Soldier and Inquisitor, too weak :slight_smile:

But this is matter of personal taste, not strength. Love that people don’t favor only one class!

Nightblade is an easy win. Strongest offense and very strong defense.

I’m surprised oathkeeper is so low. 80% builds posted since FG had oathkeeper. And inquisitor? Every second noob coming in asksing about gunslingers…

Also, demolitionist and necro so popular? Demo is ever strong but it’s mains are still clunky.

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Well only 39 people voted so far, I think you need to have at least 100 or more voters to estimate if something is really popular or not. Unless they post the reason for their vote, you can’t tell if voters are “top builders” or “noobs asking about gunslingers” :wink: After a couple more days you’ll get an average that is representative of players in general, who knows if Nightblade will still be #1 then.

Well, from my experience the majority of People who vote for an class doesn’t do it based on how strong said class is, but rather how cool / stylish or what kind of playstyle / skills it offers. I’d argue that most people would’ve voted for Nightblade even if it would’ve been the worst class, because Rogue classes like this are pretty popular with other Games as well.

And Necromancer does really surprise anyone? While my beef with Maya was rather ironic / funny meant, the core of my message have actually truth in it, and in many games which i know Necromancer is an huge Fanfavorite(more than warlock’esque classes like occultist), and even in case of Grim Dawn it shouldn’t surprise anyone… because it was one of the most wished classes for Grim Dawn. And while i know, many people here hate the Game and despise Blizzard, they aren’t dumb and also added necromancer as DLC-Class for a reason, because they knew that class will hyped to the death and simply sells.

Well about Inquisitor versus Demolitionist, i’d argue that’s exactly the reason why Demo is above Inquisitor, because while it Inq. also encourage Gunslinger Playstyle, i’d still argue that demo have still more gunslinge "vibes"r while Inq feels more like an Magical / Rune variant of it.