Poor Luck or Poor Rate?

I’m currently in Elite on the Hidden Path.

I came into Elite first thing I did was kill Gardian of Dreeg. I’m a poison build so it wasn’t cute but I got it done. He did drop a Legendary Item. Kinda what I was expecting from boss of an hidden quest.

Then I killed the one in Broken Hills…Got only Yellow not a single green.

Now I’m finally at the third one killed him (was quite easy honestly) once again only yellow.

Well may as well kill that bitch (Mad Queen). Once again it wasn’t pretty running around in circle while my dot killed her. Got a single blue…a double of something I already have and I will probly never use (Myrmidon’s Guard) and a green Slicer. Looked around doesn’t seem to have a chest anywhere.

Is it poor luck or those just have poor rate?

I am not even sure that is bad luck and not simply par for the course :wink:

So Poor Rate? I guess I might have been expecting more from 2 Side Quest Boss and from that Mad Queen (hidden boss)

You’re not gonna get a legendary off every boss you kill. There’s a better chance of getting one, but if you want guaranteed epics you’re gonna have to get crucible and grind on waves.

Poor luck or poor rate…is there a difference?

We universally call it RNG in ARPG’s.

I wasn’t expecting a legendary on every boss kill. Still I was expecting at least a green (honestly a blue) on first time hidden quest boss not 3 yellow.

I was also kinda disapointed by the Mad Queen drop. A single blue (which sadly I did already own) and no blueprint…Unsure why but considering she is one of those hidden boss I was kinda expecting special drop from her.

The legendaries drop rate on grand spoil is about 2%, mad queen 1/30. If you got good items so easy its not a rpg anymore, or try crucible.

The Mad Queen may be “hidden” but she always spawns in the same place so she’s very easy to find and farm. With builds out there that can drop her in under 15 seconds, she’s not going to have a very elevated drop rate.

Bosses in the campaign map (hidden or otherwise) are farmed for their unique legendary or MI drops and not because they have high overall drop rates. The Mad Queen does drop a “special” unique legendary.

Crucible offers the highest overall drop rates, by far. Within the campaign, roguelike dungeons (with their guaranteed chests for Epic or higher drops) or treasure troves currently offer the best drop rates, not bosses. Nemeses take far too long to track down to be efficient for drops these days.

I have 3 characters in Elite (lvl 65-75). Never had a legendary drop by the Mad Queen or any hidden path bosses.

Almost all of my 40-50 legendary items dropped at Devotion Shrines or normal heroes

1st kill ever on MQ on ultimate I got her claw