It’s a long walk and we all know how shitty the drop rates for the Helm Blueprints are
A portal nearby would help a lot
There are spare rooms within the temple and one could be emptied (don’t let monsters spawn there) for a portal
It’s a long walk and we all know how shitty the drop rates for the Helm Blueprints are
A portal nearby would help a lot
There are spare rooms within the temple and one could be emptied (don’t let monsters spawn there) for a portal
If the issue is getting the blueprints then wouldn’t just increasing the drop rate be a better solution to your problem?
Oh no not just that
The walk itself is pretty long
Getting to the sentinel takes about as long as most bosses, which in all fairness is fairly long. It’s not a unique problem to the sentinel though.
True but
Now Sentinel -
Lone boss with a high chance to drop nothing but shit and takes a lot longer to reach him
Even if they improve drop rates there isn’t much incentive to explore that area, he is like Rashalga, solo boss with unique drop only takes much longer to reach him and hence feels much more unrewarding
A portal wouldn’t hurt imo
Chance to meet Beast Nem with xpac?
Abstaining, don’t care one way or the other.
its even a “hidden quest” putting a rift there does not it make it hidden anymore because you can see it on the world map…
so no for me
You can’t see the Warden portals before discovering them.
true but i dont like the idea of a rift that will be visible even when its a “hidden” area
i see your point chthon, but putting a rift every time you or anybody thinks it takes too long makes me cringe for me the journey to the boss is the most fun and i don’t mind putting a few more minutes into it to get to the boss.
Edit: aren’t also rift gates the way for Aetherials/Chthons to “travel” to locations? there aren’t any Aetherials/Chthons in the temple of the three so for me another point why there shouldn’t be a rift (i could be wrong, but you got a good amount of rifts which are inhabited with chthon’s or aetherials and even some where they rifted out of; wightmire, burrwitch village, homestead rift, fort ikon and necropolis interior rift)
Would be interesting if the East Marsh in the Expac had a round about way to connect with the new content (as I assume the main way will be just north of Burrwitch). This way you could have a riftgate right near the start of the adjoining area to East Marsh and perhaps have a shorter distance towards the temple.
Higher Drop rate or the introduction of some more MI’s (though I suppose Riftscourge Claws would drop there) could also be useful and an easier change.
Ehh, running straight from Burrwich to the boss room, took me a little over 3 minutes to get to with %110 move speed. I did get slowed a couple times along the way, didn’t use a movement skill either.
Honestly not to bad imo.
I voted no because frankly I don’t find the run there that long nor difficult. You are not required to kill everything you meet on the way.
I wouldn’t really care if they did put a portal around the bridge to East Marsh perhaps but inside the Temple? Nah.
I guess the run being bland is the reason why i find it so long
Your solution works for me
Would you still want this…AFTER you had the blueprints? If the answer is no, it’s probably not worth adding.
I almost never complete the quest
I keep it on the far back burner and forget about it, in almost all of the builds posted here and not posted here i never go inside the temple.
I honestly don’t have much incentive to explore it, unless there’s portal inside it or very close to it or something similar to DeMasked’s suggestion
I prefer teleport in Port Valbury.))
It’d make sense, too…It is an Aetherial stronghold, after all. Would make sense that they’d slap a riftgate near such a large concentration of their troops.