Positive Faction für Kymons

Hi there,
like in this thread (click) i have the problem, that i chose Vigil on normal, elite and ultimate. Now my reputation (Kymons) is really bad.
Now i really dont have a chance to to something for a better reputation?


Nope. You choose the Order on all 3 difficulties so can’t do anything to improve your rep with Kymon’s.

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Ok. Thanks for this really fast reply. Its to bad but thats life. Then i will go for nemesis-reputation :slight_smile:

In that case the Chosen will have a pretty lovely lady to present you :smiley:

Now I’m curious :grinning:

Don’t seduce him to the dark side. :smile:

If i dont have an option…

So…its to late :skull:

I’m just gonna say that she’s quite… stunning.