Possibility at crafting rares?

This idea popped into my head and I was curious as to how it would be thought of by the community and developers.

A weekly or monthly account wide quest in which you must Kill every named monster on Ultimate(With flexibility towards faction choices).

That has the prerequisite to be flagged for this weekly/monthly could be completion of every non repeatable quest on Ultimate.

Then as a reward you receive a token which you can then use to purchase a rare prefix or suffix modifier to overwrite onto a rare.

Or possibly the token could be a partial completion and multiple quests could be done in order to complete this token. Having the reputations of each act possibly give you the quest to kill each of the named monsters in their act once per week or day. Then after an arbitrary amount of clears u could complete this item that allows you to purchase the prefixes/suffixes that faction has to offer.

This I feel would give players a variety in terms of their loot hunt concerning MIs. As well as a nice carrot to players to experience all the content we have been provided by Crate’s team.