[possibility] Fixing the Dodge interrrupted issue

dodge is the jankiest thing in the game. in my current, limited, experience. the issue being it being interrupted by terrain or enemies and not going anywhere. it is currently the biggest limiter of my enjoyment of this game that is actually the games fault

i was wondering if there was some way to alter it’s cool-down based on how far it got. such as tieing that sustained cast mechanic to a cool-down reduction thingy mabbober on it? i have no clue, obviously. i would vastly appreciate a fix though

thanks for all the hard work. no matter what comes

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Just don’t use it. I haven’t liked Evasion since its introduction and refuse to acknowledge its existence.

i love it. just not it getting interrupted do to some random terrain issue when i really need it. it makes the game feel a lot more action and twitch skill oriented. i love this game, but the action could definitely be smoother. think it’s already been stated it’s not possible in this engine. so anything that makes the action feel smoother is vastly appreciated

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isn’t that just the same issue everything else faces, vire’s might, teleport etc “straight a->b stuff”? :thinking:

i actually meant to ask, since i started a new shieldbreaker, and wonder if it’s related
if people have noticed an increase in movement terrain “halt”/borks/premature path ends
Because i wondered if the terrain thingy that was done to fix certain projectile and wave skills, impacted straight line movement skills negatively/more interrupt impacted now than prior.
*that’s aside from noticing being unable to shoot up/down over half the cliffs or sides etc than previous which i thought might be related too

This one definitely doesn’t have that issue. You can skate up a spiral staircase with that if you want :sweat_smile:
Teleports do maybe, but they still feel a lot better than evade. I also often have it just not do anything and I don’t know why. Maybe terrain, maybe it got interrupted?

staircases are different, and you can also evade up them
what i mean is, paths where evade fail, vire’s might seem to equally fail/get cut short now too
Reason i’m bringing it up is on my recent shieldbreaker vire’s might feel almost annoying to use now, similar as to LeadShorts mention of evade
Where as before vire’s might felt way smoother and i didn’t get cut short constantly (in fact it was awesome at path exploiting prior but isn’t now)

No. You can vire around corners, but evade is only straight line and gets stuck on tiny rocks (or whatever) where vire doesn’t.

Might be worse than before though, I’m not sure about that.

i keep getting stuck on tiny rocks with Vire now, and can only zoom around a fraction of the corners i could before :thinking:


that’s why i raised it/said it felt downright annoying to use a lot of the time now, and compared it to how LeadShorts brought up evade, it/something just feels off compared to before somehow(for me atleast)


I haven’t noticed it with the movement runes. I haven’t used vire much before, so I wouldn’t know for that one. The movement runes seem ok to me, and vire does go around corners (for me).
Evade doesn’t, which probably makes the problem worse for it. At least it regularly happens for me that I ‘evade’ and nothing happens because tiny rock? Something else happened that canceled it? Oh I also think that sometimes you can go through enemies and sometimes not? At least that’s what it feels like. It feels quite random to me at least.

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evade pathing was always a bit less lenient than runes, tho you should get, aeh, “unhitboxed” so you can go through enemies tho iirc, unsure about CC vs iframes tho
but compared to before, i keep getting “ka-chunked/clunked” on VM now, like someone shoved a stick in my bike wheel :sweat_smile:
sooo many times since update i’ve just run into a wall half a metre ahead instead of around or even “straight” along, it’s felt really noticeable to me atleast how disruptive it seems

again, that’s why i’m comparing to LeadShorts exact gripes with Evade, which also seemed super smooth prior/“evade changed also”

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Evade is actually the only skill of this type i’ve ever used. i’m glad everyone else is contributing their experiences with these type of skills, thanks