Possible downtime next week

Just wanted to give people a heads-up in advance that our website server may be going down temporarily next week. I’m not sure of the exact date yet and it should only be for 30mins or so but could be longer. Just thought I’d try to get word out early so no one freaks out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Server maintenance?

Or huge site update?

Option one… right?

Hah, yes, unfortunately it is nothing so glamorous. It is a result of something Amazon is supposed to be doing, not us. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on but I heard there was likely going to be a bit of downtime in the near future.

thanks medierra. nice to know beforehand.

Or option 3 - Alpha! :wink:

Aka, arewethereyet?

too ealry for alpha, but there is hope:D

Wow, awesome… Well, looks like Amazon’s “15mins” of downtime with no need to do anything on our side turned out not to be the case. Looks like everything is mostly back in order though.

There seems to be a mistake, I can’t find the alpha download link and the website looks just like the old one. I’ll try clearing my cache.

Let me know if it works, I’ll start packing for my vacation just in case. :wink:

I cleared my cache, still no alpha…

Maybe I should try a different browser?


I was hoping there was an alpha release too, oh well, role on to next year:D

Is this for the key?

the alpha version of the game won’t be out until next year, you can only pre order the game at this stage, so there is no download link to anything at this stage

hope that clears things up

Cheers for the heads up.

downtime heads-up was in Dec 2011