Possible thing for GD2

I will write couple of posts here but I will start with a more general complaint that I don’t think is gonna be met with an adequate fix/change. Simply because it’s late to make a change like this. But maybe it will be something Crate can think about when they develop GD2.

Player sided mutators absolutely SUCK. In general I am not a fan of those mutators on a conceptual level, I think it’s just a lazy way to increase difficulty by turning endgame areas into a bit of a casino instead of carefully balancing monsters’ density/abilities/combinations etc. But having 4,8k hours in GD (80% of those is making builds and testing them in endgame farming those) I can live with monster sided mutators.
However carefully putting together a build and having a chunk of it just taken away by an unlucky set of mutators? Just feels bad. Putting together a powerful character, decking him out with your latest drops after days of farming and then feeling this power/tankiness increase while slaying monsters is what it’s all about, right? But then a couple of mutators can ruin all those efforts? Positive mutators like marked or cdr also feel unfair, you just lose the sense/the feeling of your build.

Again, this is a very general very subjective complaint, I realize that implementing something like this is very unlikely to happen.


i’m “mostly” ok with player side mutators
what i’m definitely not okay with, having multiple mutators dealing with the same stat penalty, and having those mutators be able to appear at the same time
getting 3-4 minus player speed mutators is nuts, totally ridiculous
not only has general attack speed nerfs meant that some builds barely scrape by even reaching speed cap, but makes it completely impossible to suddenly guard against -25?% speed because you got hit by the regular minus cast/attack speed mutator(s) and the -total speed mutator on top
even better when you also get the minus move speed mutator to boot (no put intended)
it’s not so much nuts that these exist, tho after general speed reducts on items they are way worse for some builds, borderline unfair/you can’t do anything to “counter” it, but it should not be possible to get multiple at the same time, let alone all at teh same time

I’d say just get rid of them (in GD2?). I want my character feel the same way I made him, it took me time to farm all the stuff and min-max it. Suddenly some bullshit gimmick nullifies half of it, then my efforts feel meaningless.

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By the time GD2 comes out, you will be in your 50s with two children, working on Hollywood movies. You won’t have time to worry about mutations or whatever.


Not entirely true. I’m 46, have a spouse, A full time job and part time job totaling 60 hours a week. And still have 2.2k hours into GD. More if you count Xbox and my other steam acct. I feel like the modifiers could use some work as well. They were not always there either, so could be likely be modded in a way that suits someone’s playstyle.

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