Post FG purifier

If you hit 2 people with it the chance of proccing once goes up to around 47%, which is an okay chance. And the only time you hit just one guy is at the very start of nemesis waves and even then when flashbang cools down the others have already arrived which really ups the chances. Also if it’s Alex it’s instant 3 targets with the crystals which means 61% proc chance.

But the real reason is that there’s no better skill to bind it to. Seal doesn’t let you proc it at range, FS is reserved for torrent. Box is okay but then once eldritch fire procs once box is pretty much useless due to the spreading effect. Horn of gandarr? Maybe but that’s one more skill to juggle.

Refer to x1x2 explanation on flashbang. Well, you can bind it to thermite mine. I am too skeptical to thermite mine at this point and decided not to test it at all

On seal of void, If you go dual wield, yeah seal of void is mostly BiS. Though I prefer to not use it in a physical base gun.

I test it two times. one is 17sec, the other is 18sec. The build is strong. The most stable purifier I test. It’s just too boring and I hate to use thermite mine.

Thermite Mines suck for proccing low chance procs in my experience. I’ve seen Fissure bound to Mines on some builds but when I tried it it was bad. I think getting Box for Fissure is a great move. Fissure is massive dmg when procced well.

It is. Stormbox is good on proccing almost anything.

On a side note, SG set + 2x mythical arcanum sigillis should also be good as Thermite mine now reduce all elemental resist. Haven’t checked or theorycraft one though.

Sigilises are for Mortars, aren’t they? Iirc they got ridiculously low %dmg. The reason Warpfire is used on Pyran instead of Sigilis despite the not-so-bad Mortar mods.

I have ideas,but needs to be tested.

First is Barrelsmith pistols+SR set.Pistols grant ability,which shoots with both at same time and extra WPS.SR set will give enough skill points to cap skills and ofc defense.

Second idea is around Luminari set.Both Inquisitor and Demo have three elemental RR,which is the hardest to be neutralize.With multiple WPS+Seekers and defensive procs like Crab and Phoenix should be viable as well.

That’s anderos! Sigillis is the one that give flat elemental damage modifier to fire strike.

Ptiro has done it before in the old patch. He said it cannot work anymore due to Inquisitor seal’s nerf. With this new harder cruci, I doubt if it can work. Not easy to make purifier work nowadays.

I think it will work,new items and more defense. Seal is still decent. But it will not be top tier Ofc.

Oh and Ptiro build was prior to put elemental RR to mines.

No way to know for sure. Cruci is harder than during AoM and we got bigger standards nowadays. Ptiro didn’t even max out mines back then tho mines were worse before. Elemental RR to mines doesn’t really do much tho imo since cold is the least supported damage type out of the three you use. And lastly, the biggest flaw of that build is that there’s not enough skill points. That’s where shattered realm set comes in since it gives you a shitton of points.

You can try it,cause you have experience with ranged builds. I play 2 hours combined.But am interested in trying Barrelsmith and SR.Also will try to update beginners Purifier for FG.

I’m more interested in sigillis :stuck_out_tongue:

You can try Sigilis+Luminari, shamelessly promoting build :slight_smile:

Your BS build Purifier was good in AoM.I think it can be better actually than Grenadier.

Do you think DW hagardians can be made,or real pierce DW Cadence Tactician?

I’m supposed to take a break in GD cause I’m getting burn out. Just post one more build then go play other games till I feel the drive to come back. Don’t make me come back so early :stuck_out_tongue:

Sigillis + Luminari just can’t fulfill my greed for skill points. I’m tooling sigillis + realm set right now and point distribution is already kinda rigid so I’m not sure about it.

Barrelsmith might be great yeah. Add aether>lightning conversion rings and belt for huge spears.

Hagarradian sucks. Pierce is kinda tailored for melee, tho oathbearer Tactician might work with all the conversion on WPS. Haven’t made a grimtools for that tho. Paladin is a no on paper.


I feel how strong that Purifier is just by looking at the calc. However, that low DA number looks a bit bothersome on paper. What number do you have in-game and is it really enough?

About 2.8k and I think it’s enough. It never die in cruci. Didn’t check shattered realm though.

With realm set 2750 DA is more than enough. Set just makes so many builds look good.

I’ve got one draft build for Barrelsmith + SR set. But not sure if it works or not. Havent test it in real game.

Yes is actually pretty good build.I played with it,but decided not to post it.

I was going Footpad of Grey Magi for spirit,trap resistance and physical on proc.Also one Time flux band for slow resistance and skill bonus.

Sadly Ulzuin set with off hand is better,I suspect full Ulzuin too.But Barrelsmith is solid with SR set.