Potions/Consumables vs Refilling Flasks.

Have two extra icon slots for health and energy, permanent flask slots that refill after a cooldown and/or decrease the cooldown by killing enemies and/or reduce cooldown from items, skills and devotions(what is already in the game for other stuff that have cd).
Also every consumable made into a permanent flasks that can be equipped into those 2 slots or make them learnable buffs that you switch on the fly, you could make the slots between the 1-0 and Lclick and Rclick.
Considering you have keybinds for consuming health or energy potions where ever they are even if not in the 1-0 slots, just you can’t see the cooldown then.
And you can just right click the health and energy slot to choose from all the potions you’ve ever found/crafted.
Maybe even do ctrl+1-0 combos for them, or ctrl+mouse scroll to scroll through yourself made sets of combinations. Like in “Fable the Lost Chapters” 2 skill set list you were able to scroll through on the fly.

Right now it’s just a waste of time, you either throw away consumables or just consume them on sight to free up inventory space. Having energy potions is redundant most of them time, for me personally it’s pointless, just extra iron bits, but I get more anyways from rare(green) items. And health potions are overflowing because most of the time you don’t need them, rarely you need them, and when you really need them they won’t work as you just got one or two shotted.

Just my two cents how to make a quality of life change and make people actually think what resistance boosts to have on with them if they don’t have right gear at the moment for every situation on hand, without wasting their time crafting potions.

Where i really like this QoL of diablo 3 that shined id love to see it here aswell
Make health and energy pots just having cd with indication and no needing to have them on the bar ui. Also make these two act like a skill, and not consumable. I was having a mogdrogen run and i didnt realize i was out of health pots :s