Pre-order Support

Also the 35$ version of the game can be played on Steam and will need to be for the alpha/beta.

Today I got an answer from Humble. Sadly they could not help me. I now did sent a mail to the Crate support since I have the feeling that something did go wrong with my data during the transfer to the Humble Store or something like that.

Before I knew the difference, I bought GD on Steam for $29.99 - Now I’m seriously thinking about going, or wishing I had of gone, Loyalist instead. The $85 is a little steep for my tastes, but I did love TQ/IM and I’m really liking GD so far and supporting development would be really cool in its own right…

The questions is, since I already bought the game, would it cost me a full $85 to go Loyalist, or would it get it for $55.01 (which is more palatable)?

Thanks, -Lark :undecided:

P.S. I apologize if this was asked earlier and I missed it.

It has been asked before, and IMHO you can’t upgrade because you bought it from Steam. However, if you want to try, you would follow the steps provided on the first post here

Here’s a thread that talks about this issue.

If you try, please let us know if it works.

Try here for upgrades. Sorry about that.

Have one…bought forever ago…when will access be available?

The DRM-free version, for which you require that key, will only become available later. But you can request an additional Steam key to play the latest alpha build right now.

See All Early / KS Backers now have Steam Keys! for directions.

ok …
Don’t have the Steam alpha key…
Only the Grim Dawn access key which says redeemed ?
I’m a little confused… do I have to buy up to get early access or request it somewhere?
The posts and links I followed just confused me.

No, by now anyone who preordered / supported the Kickstarter has access now

I know you say the links confuse you, but I can’t explain it any simpler than it is explained there

I have an access key on humble bundle site…
It does not work when trying to activate on Steam
The humble bundle site does not show a Steam Alpha access key…it is blank
So again… can I upgrade?
Or is there another way to get alpha Steam key… or just sit and wait for download option someday through humble bundle?


AHHHHH… click the button on humble bundle page next to Steam alpha and a key pops up!
Would be nice to have read that somewhere!!
Problem solved…thanks

I had posted this question on steam, but figured there is more activity here then over there.

I was curious: I received Grim Dawn as a gift on steam from a friend because my jobs hitting hard times, but I have absolutely fallen in love with the way this game plays.

When my tax’s come in, say I wanted to bump up my level of support to loyalist; Would I be able to do that, even though I recieved the game only through steam??

Im a poverty-level income trying to support me and my disabled girlfriend; The $75 loyalist package I want is a bit steep, but im hoping I can pay just to up my support from how much the steam version cost.

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to upgrade through steam. See also this thread and in particular this quote by Medierra:

Here the price is different to steam, and with 3 options which steam only has one. Please advise where should I buy?

You should buy from the website as the devs will get more money that way and you either have a cheaper option here or options for different packages with bonus stuff.

Sorry I have to ask for clarification, hopefully this is the best place for it.

When I preorder now I will get the Steam alpha key and Humble DRM free key (for future use) but what happens when the final game is released? Do I lose the DRM free version key if the Steam alpha has been redeemed? Can they deactivate the Steam alpha when it goes final? I always thought early access alphas upgraded to the final build.

The key for the DRM free version, is that a multiplayer key like Diablo 2?

Thanks for your help! Gonna play some TQ this weekend I think :slight_smile:

If you purchase the game at our website, you will get both an early access Steam key and a key for the DRM-free full release. You do not lose the release key by playing the game on Steam now. Enjoy!

Does the Steam early access turn into the full steam release? I guess I’m not sure how those work. It kind of seems like at final release you’ll get(keep/upgrade) 1Steam copy and 1 DRM free copy at Humble?

Thanks again!

If you buy the Steam early access you are buying the full game.

If you buy from the website here you will get both a steam key and a DRM free key on release.

So if you want a cheaper option go with Steam and wait for a sale - or if you want more options when it comes to actually owning the game without worrying about Steam you can buy from the website.

Cool, sounds good!

I bought the game long ago (I guess the end of 2010) - and that time the edition with alpha access, i guess 48$

So the question is: what do I get when the game is out?
Loyalist? If not, how can I upgrade? :slight_smile:

I hope the answer is not written here anywhere …


The equivalent of the Legendary Edition is the Grim Dawn Patron Edition. For details please see Questions of the worried customer and answers to them, especially Bonus Content and Upgrade.