Probably still a possible chance... super rare double green items "crafting"

if you need 1 specific affix you’ve basically failed your itemization
you might want a specific affix, like a fitting dmg boosting affix that also gives relevant resist/attributes
but, since X resist, attribute, CC res, ie the important stats, exists on more than 1 affix you always have several options to cover an actual needed stat spread

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Not really. If I need a specific affix and there’s only one such affix, such as overseer’s (% def ability, % phys res, % reduced stun res and increases armor absorb by %). Not only is there one such affix, it is also restricted to helms. Now, combine that with the fact that one is waiting for it to drop on an MI that has a chance to drop. It seems to me that the game has failed me and not the other way around.

Reread my paragraph above.

I assume you want to do a cold damage saboteur, and you “need” that affix for Namadea’s helm, but you don’t need it at all. The helm already has a lot of physical resistance and you can use other components to cover the armor absorption issue.

I don’t think the game is designed for a player to be able to target specific affixes like that.

If you have 4 MIs in the build you farm them a bit, choose the ones that give you the most bang for your back / fill the most gaps and then use fixed items, devotions, skills, components and augments to cover the rest.

Sometimes you may need to i.e. swap pants for a different ones with less damage / better resists to be able to tie everything or make similar little sacrifices but that’s about it You never need Overseer in the helmet for the build to function properly. Unless it’s really planned from the ground up to function only with double rares in every slot and adjusting it requires some more work such as changing devos but that’s a rare case.

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again, which part of failed build/itemization did you not comprehend, if you funnelled yourself into needing all of that from an affix “at once” and on a single item?
it’s not the game’s or double rare’s fault you failed getting either or multiple of those 3 stats elsewhere - they are all readily available
again, you might want that, but it’s not needed

Reread my paragraph above

That’s not the build in question. However, even if it was, to deal with Ravager or Cally you need more than 10%-20% phys res as they lower it by 50% or 60%, which is enough to one-shot or two-shot my character. And if I want to play a certain build I usually try to create a build that can deal with all the content.

You are probably right regarding the design. However, I do think that the thing I talk about here in this thread is a consequence of the said design, for the better or the worse. But that is why I argue for better control over what the player crafts.

I did plan my build from the scratch, incorporating few MIs with specific affixes because the other items did not cover them. If I picked different items, new holes would appear in my build. I could be wrong, but I think that the build I came up with was either that or it just doesn’t work for the content that it was intended.

I’ve tried in-game to break apart from my build due to low chance of acquiring the said affixes by swapping gloves, helm, torso, shoulders, but I wasn’t satisfied with the performance of that build. And yes, I did change components and augments along with devotions.

Yes, the game offers the three stats elsewhere, but what else do they offer? And what of the things they don’t provide? Where else can you find them? At how many pieces and armor slots?

We both know that these stats comes in different combinations and that they are not equal. I don’t see the point of replacing items and solving one problem while creating few others.

When dealing with certain enemies, want becomes irrelevant in comparison to need. I may want 3800 OA for fighting with Mogdrogen, but the need is 80% lightning res overcap.

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there is never a need for double rare, because that stat spread can be obtained elsewhere without totally gimping your build; it’s called tradeoffs, and when it’s a single double rare we are talking about the tradeoffs are usually minimal and nowhere unreasonable
^and if you need more double rares your build is even more absurd

Mogdrogen fight is a really bad example, because he’s exactly such type specific fight that easily lets your readjust your build specifically to him, as he deals specific dmg types and specific attacks/debuffs - ie augment swap is usually enough to sort the specific resist need

likewise, even for SR or Crucible there is not going to be a detrimental situation, where you sacrifice too much or kill your build not including a double rare/finding different itemization or point spread for the needed stats elsewhere
you might want the double rare to eke out every last drop of build potential, but you don’t need it
-why do you think for so long builds strived to use 0 greens, and they were even frowned upon? and why still after “the great MI patch” you still have 0 green builds?, because in no way are double rares necessary for a build to exist or handle content
you might want it, but you don’t need it, - game gives you all the opportunities to give you the stats in multiple avenues elsewhere, it’s just up to you to piece the puzzle together

as a highly frequent “filthy stasher” of silly absurd builds i know very intimately the love of double rares, but even if my build was stupid or a meme failed from the start, if i actually need a specific double rare to fudge resists/stats to be functioning; i consider it build fail, stashed, meme, or not

it’s okay double rares are rare and not easy to come by, because you don’t need them, no matter how much we want them


Generally, I agree. However, in the case of Overseer example, I specifically said my build requires the mentioned prefix in order to fill the certain holes in my build, while the suffix could have been whatever, if I remember my build correctly. After all, that build was intended to kill Cally on ultimate, hence my want/need for phys res.

And yeah, I’m aware of tradeoffs. I usually trade DPS to increase my defense, since my pc lags at times and I don’t want my hc char to die.

I’d argue that this depends on the build and what do you want to do with that build. My deceased vitality (+chaos) AAR spellbinder had 3 MIs which enable elemental to vitality conversion. Each item had a specific purpose to fulfill. The axe needed cast speed affixes. I don’t remember what I aimed for with the belt. While I hoped the medal would get a dreadlord affix. Could you play the build without the needed affixes? Yes. What was its performance? Well, it was okay for main campaign, but for anything challenging such as nemesis, it needed the small push the affixes would provide. I could have changed all the items, but then it wouldn’t be this build, but another one.

But, even in the case of full purple items. Getting an unnecessary crafting bonus, such as 5% block chance on AAR conduit instead of stun/freeze res, is also why I argue that there should be a greater control over what we craft.

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