Problem with editing numbers


I encountered a somewhat unexpected problem. If I use the “Increment %” Button of the DBREditor it seems to igore the decimal point.
For example: increment 1.0 by 10% results in 11 instead of 1.1.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Thanks in advance

Try 0.1 instead of a 1.0 increment?

Works for me.

1.0 * 10% = 1.1

Well here are pics for what happen for me:

Very strange…

On asylum window set and increment boxes are not blank try to set the same values.

That shouldn’t have an effect, his values are already assigned.

Same for me, even if I put other values in the blank boxes, whatever the order, whatever buttons I press, it’s not working. So I guess the best thing to do right now for those with the same issue is to bring a calculator and enter everything manually. Have fun.

Variables need data, you’re lucky the program didn’t crash. Fill out the boxes.


You do understand that the buttons only require the boxes next to them? (and even if they are empty, it simply does nothing)
Look at ASYLUM101s example.


Phew, im not the only one…

Maybe there is some way to change the decimal sign?

Edit: I found a way to change the decimal sign. It appears that DBREditor takes its settings in this regard from windows.
As i live in Germany (where “,” is used as decimal sign) the editor got confused.

I think we’re coming at this two different ways. When I did some game programming I ended up making some database tables that just had different progressions. Geometric, logarithmic, exponential. I spent a few hours making these various sequences, saving them in the database, and then my code called the appropriate field in the appropriate data type in the appropriate sequence. What I did was a ton of work, and it made unnecessary database calls and unnecessary computing, but I didn’t want to populate my code with a bunch of sequences as global variables. To me, it made more sense to have a database than an array or vector compiled in. After having done it once, I wouldn’t do it the same way again.

What Crate has done is put the variable sequences precomputed into the actual dbr files, it just pulls the end result into the file. It allows for greater customization and has less overhead. Now here’s the thing, it is just a string of numbers with commas in between them or something. That’s it. How we generate those numbers is irrelevant to the dbr file. Now Crate released their tools, and it includes a sequence generator because they didn’t want to just have a bunch of text files that they started from. It is a cool tool. You’re pressing buttons expecting something that it was never intended to be. Love it for what it is. In the future, I would probably use Crate’s method but I was experimenting with different progression tables, comparing curves between exp gained and exp required, resources produced vs resources required, etc.