Problems with new Bargoll spawn point

As you all know, Bargoll has moved to a hidden area in Ugdenborg…
The problem with this is that the route that used to collect MI and Ugdenbloom by way of defeating Bargoll and Sylvarria has effectively been nerfed.
I think the best way to address this issue would be to increase the number of Ugdenblooms dropped by Sylvarria.
I dislike Ugdenbloom and would like to see about 100 more, but I think one to two would be sufficient.

P.S. I’m not quite sure how to look at the database, so sorry if this has already been changed!

bargoll had 1 spawn point on the sylvarria route, 2 if you go the long way
in what way does this change impact that to a significant degree ? :rofl:

Farming Manticore eyes is more of a pain than blooms.


It is really hard to collect materials in this game.
ACCSoBU in particular is ridiculous. If random performance gear is waiting for me, there would be some fun. But there is nothing fun about fixed performance components.
This is not modern at all. And I am very disappointed to hear that the drop will effectively be reduced.

you’re missing out on a 23% chance for 1 bloom “per run”
your suggestion is to get “compensated” by a rate of 100-200% fixed/guaranteed “per run”
you don’t even see the absurdity in that?

as for blooms being hard to obtain, - drops have been increased so much blacksmith recipes got increased in cost…
i’ve legit no clue what you’re even talking about, just levelling through the game i get like almost 100, or “about enough each char needs”

Though it feels like drop rate of those has gone up over the years as well… I got about 5 just running through veteran pine barrens and blood grove once…

they have, got increased again after the relic recipe change too

That is somewhat an outlier IMO getting 5.
Same way I have seen 12 blooms just in one segment of undergrowth.

The headache is when having to craft either relic or item that needs a lot of manticore eyes, and if it rolls bad you need to craft another.
For me as an SSF player Manticore eyes are the worst to farm when it comes to material for crafting.
Even Seals of Binding are easier to farm.
As an SSF player I will end up with plenty of Bloods,Brains, Blooms,etc but not that many eyes.

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deliberate, seals, like blooms, drop more frequent than the other rare mats

dismantle stuff if Mogara/Ancient grove farming isn’t doing it for you

*as i mentioned drop rate already got increased after the relic cost increase after people requested it for that

on a personal speculation note, i’ve always gotten the sense that drop rates isn’t based on “re-crafting based on rolls”, but just to fit base crafts

Yeah dismantling as SSF is pretty crucial, weighting even there is low for eyes relative to true rare materials like bloods/brains/etc.
For my RNG anyway.